Strangers | Vikklan (Part 1)

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Ship: Vikklan 
Relationship: Strangers
Genre: Fluffs
Prompt above
Here ya go BehrEllise, it's not neko but it's Vikklan
Sorry this took so long, in a place that it took 4 hours to load the comments on my question
A/N: Not Edited
~Vik's POV~

I know I shouldn't be here. I know I should have stayed home. Should have studied with Tobi. Played video games with Ethan and Harry. But no. Instead, I was out with Josh, Simon, and JJ. And what we are doing isn't exactly legal.

Simon thought it would be hilarious to buy spray paint to paint our apartment with. JJ quickly came up with the idea to spray paint a wall of the store.

They got to work. JJ, of course, plastering the wall with crude drawings of dicks. Simon was less crass. He is doodling their friend's group name, The Sidemen. Josh is sketching an Illuminati sign and Simon quickly writes underneath it, Illuminate Out Next Month. Whatever that means.

It's all so juvenile.

"Hey, Vik! Come on! Paint something!"

I quickly shake my head and draw back a bit from them. If they get caught, I don't know them.

"This is actually really fun!"

"Ye- Oh shit run!"

I turn towards where Josh has pointed, and see an angry security guard.

Just our luck.

We take off for the car and dive in. Simon hops into the driver's seat. I'm splayed across the backseat, Josh on the floor below me. JJ is upside down in the passenger seat. I know, we are graceful af.


We peel out of the parking lot. Josh and I readjust ourselves so we're actually in the seats. JJ attempts to move but kicks Simon in the head. The car swerves.


JJ groans and returns to his previous position. The radio is turned on and 'New Americana' blares out.

"Let's do that again."

I turn to Josh, who had just spoken.

"What? You almost got arrested and you want to commit the same crime again!?"

"Hey! We are making the boring brick walls beautiful."

"Dicks don't liven up an area like you think."

I rethink what I just said, the guys giggling.

"Never in a million years did I think I would say a sentence like that."

JJ bursts out laughing as we continue driving. I glance out the window.

"Where are we going?"

"Like Josh said, let's do it again."


They all glance at each other. It's creepy sometimes. It's like they can speak without talking.

"You're right. Let's head home."

~Later That Night~

All the guys are sleeping so I slip out the front door. I run to the store and buy colorful spray paints and poster boards just to avoid suspicion.

I walk out and make my way to the building that my friends defaced. The crude drawings pop out against the brown brick exterior. I quickly take the cap off and shake the paint.

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