Baby | Josh + Vik Centric [Part 1]

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Ship: Subtle Minizerk (?) (You'll see)

Genre: Fluff

Prompt: Random things

A/N: Trying something a bit different... Let me know what you think. As you can see it's only part one, so let me know about part 2!


~Josh's Pov~


My eyes blearily blink open at the sound. I feel little hands press against my face. They pull at my mouth and giggles emerge as my face is contoured.

"You better run Vik. You know what happens when you wake sleeping dadas."

Excited squeals peel from the tot, and a thump is heard as he tries to get away. I count to ten then sit up.


I chase after my baby, his legs working as fast as they can without tipping. He had only mastered walking a few months ago. There are not many places for him to go, it being a one bedroom apartment. I see him duck behind the ratty couch we have, giggles making it obvious where he is.

"Hmm, where'd my baby boy go?"

More laughter erupts from behind the sofa and I creep along. I watch as Vik's face peeks out from the other side looking for me. I slowly inch my way behind him, scooping him up. Cries of joy erupt from both of us. Suddenly, pounding from the floor above us silences our laughs.


Vik cowers into me at the rude voice. I hate our neighbors. I press a kiss to Vik's cheek and proceed to get us ready for the day.



"Vik, sweetheart calm down."

Vik wiggles, trying to escape my grasp as we enter his day care. A little boy stands at the check-in counter with his mom. The ginger boy spins at his name and grins. He pulls on his mom's hand and points towards us, her nodding her head and releasing his hand. He sprints to us and basically throws himself at Vik, who is still in my arms.

"Whoa, bud. It's not like you don't see Vik every day."

"I play with 'ik mista bwadley?"

"I guess. Run along now."

I set Vik down and Ethan helps him toddle over to the playing area. Ethan is about a year and a half older than Vik, but the two love each other. I trusted him with Vik even though he's just over three. He protects Vik in the day care, cause Vik is the smallest. I swear some of the newborns are bigger than him. The size of my baby always concerned me, but he's healthy and that's all I can hope for. He wasn't when I first got him.

Back when Freya and I were a thing, she wanted a kid so badly and no matter how hard we tried, she just couldn't get pregnant. I surprisingly was the one to suggest adoption. We got approved fairly quickly, but we waited forever for a match. One night, we received a call. They need a house for a kid they had essentially rescued. They said we didn't have to adopt them, but they needed us to basically foster. We were both hesitant, but agreed. When I opened the door and spotted the baby nestled in the care worker's arms, I instantly fell in love. Freya... not so much. The baby whimpered and I was quick to scoop them up and comfort them. The worker watches me amused, explaining that the baby's name is Vikram and that his parents had dropped him off at their office. He was three months old on that day and was so sick, everyone thought he would die. I never gave up on my baby though, even when Freya wanted to send him back, saying that he wasn't the right child for us. Thus ended my relationship with her. She left one night, leaving no note and I've only heard from her a couple times since then.

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