Lonely | ?

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Ship: Any Vik ship

Genre: Sad but fluffy at the end cause I can't do that to you guys.

Prompt: my life (exaggerated and added to, though)

A/N: I tried writing, but I'm kinda down so this happened.


~Vik's POV~



L O N E L Y.

The word haunts my mind. Reminding me that I am.

The feeling always creeps up on me. Whether I'm editing or with friends. That dreaded feeling of loneliness. No one notices the fake smiles. The fake laughs. The constant shrinking back from social situations.

Always invisible. Always passed over.


Unless they needed me.

Needed me to rant. To vent. To ask advice.

And that's where I am right now. Listening to your problems. Helping you even if I don't know what to actually do. You don't mind.

But now. I feel like crying. Your rants every other time were fine. I could help. I listened. I listen so damn much. Never once speaking my problems to anyone.

You are complaining. Honestly, when are you not? It's different this time, though. You are complaining. Complaining about how no one listens to you. I wait for the 'except you'. But it never comes. And that makes me want to cry.

I've always listened to you. Helped you with relationships. Helped you when you're sad. Helped you when you're frustrated. I've always helped. But here you are. Basically disregarding everything I've done.

You leave and I crumble. Sobs overwhelming me.

Why can't you see? How couldn't you see me? That I'm here for you. That I like you. That I'd do anything for you.

My door creaks open, but I pay it no mind. Too caught up in my pain. Arms wrapping around my waist startles me. I look up and see them.

They are comforting me. They are drying my tears. Asking the questions I so desperately want to hear. They make sure I sleep. They make sure I eat. They make sure I'm okay. When you didn't.

They snuggle me. Cuddle me. They stole my heart, not you. And months later when you came crawling back. They stop you. They protected me from you. 

They stole my heart.



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