Halloween Party (Part 4)

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Third spin-off/collab of UmbreTheWriter minizerk Halloween one shot. Also on hers.

Relationship: Dating

Genre: smut  


Third Person-

Harry smiled wide at the amazing party his boyfriend had thrown. Everybody was having an amazing time, except for Josh, who was constantly on edge for some reason. He adjusted the curled tail of his Squirtle onesie, smiling as he watched everybody have a great time. Suddenly, Harry noticed a familiar studded collar and blindfold on the snack table. 

"What the fuck, JJ?" He groaned, picking up the two sexual objects.

 As he looked through the crowd, Harry saw a sex swing on the side of the room. Fake cobwebs covered the all too familiar object, but Harry could tell exactly what it was. A blush rose to my face as he remembered the last time he was suspended in the swing. Pushing the erotic thought from his head, Harry continued to look for the older of his two lovers. The collar and blindfold are firm in his grip as he makes his way through the mob. He enters the kitchen, scanning the area in hopes of finding his goal. He spots a flash of orange exiting the other side of the room and races after it, pushing multiple people out of the way.


The orange blur of a Charmander spins around and looks for the person that called his name. JJ's eyes light up as he catches sight of Harry making his way towards him. The smile he gives brightens the room, but quickly dies when he spots the item clenched in Harry's fists. He glues himself to Harry's side to hide the items from public view.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

He hisses out the words, regretting them slightly as his baby boy flinches at the tone. Harry didn't stay upset for long as his eyes darkened.

 "You tell me! They were on the snack table! You know, the place people eat! And don't get me started on the sex swing!" Harry fired back. 

JJ recoiled in shock at the idea of the sexual object on full display for everybody examine. Although he joked about it in videos, JJ was actually quite private about his sexual adventures. Harry and Ethan, his two lovers, were the only two who had seen the "kinky" side of JJ in full swing. He steers Harry through the masses, towards where he last saw the giggly boy. The familiar sight of a Bulbasaur onesie appears and JJ grabs the hood. He pulls the material, causing the boy to halt his conversation with what appears to be Joe and Vik. Grasping the hood tightly, he drags the cursing Behzasaur back through the crowds, making sure to keep a grip on Harry as well. The bedroom is empty, so he pushes the two boys in there and locks the door behind them. 

"Ethan, what the hell were you thinking?! Harry's spent god-knows how long on that sex swing and you decide to leave it in the living room?!" JJ whisper-shouted, aware of the party still happening outside the door.

 "It isn't my fault that you put the damn sex swing in the living room! It can't fit through the damn door! What the hell was I supposed to do?" Ethan shot back, in an equally angry, yet quiet, tone.

 Harry knew that if the two stubborn boys argued for much longer, a fight would surely break out. 

"Guys, stop arguing. I want to go back outside and dance." Harry moaned as he approached Ethan, grinding against him. 

The two immediately stopped bickering to watch the seductive boy move against Ethan. His hips grind slowly, but determinedly against the others.

"Please Daddy? I don't like it when you and Papa fight."

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