Spider! | Sidemen House

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Ship: Sidemen house

Relationship: Minizerk, Kstar

Genre: Fluff

Prompt: requested by inneffable-online  from my drawing book

Prompt: requested by inneffable-online  from my drawing book

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A/N: any requests from my drawing book will be short


~Josh's POV~

Simon, JJ, and I are laughing in the kitchen, just having finished recording a video together. Our laughter slowly settles and we wipe the tears from our eyes.

"We need to do this again sometime."


I grab a roll of paper towel and through it at JJ. He catches it and quickly begins cleaning the water off himself. Simon giggles as he watches JJ fail at his task. I smile at him and peck his cheek. A blush appears and he whines.


"Yes, Love?"

"No kissing right now."

Smirking, I lean down and kiss his other cheek. Immediately he begins swatting me away, trying to hold back his laughter. A blood curdling screams causes all of us to jump.

"Your boyfriend JJ, you get to go look."

"He's probably playing a scary game again or something."

JJ gets up and heads towards Vik's room. I hear the door close and suddenly, I'm pushed back in my chair and Simon is straddling my hips. He breath fans across my ear as he nuzzles the area. Before he or I can do anything, we hear JJ let out a scream. I sigh and push the blond off me.

"Go see what's happening, I'll clean up."

With a disgruntled sigh, he leaves. I begin mopping up the water that's on the counter, and that's when I hear a loud crash followed by all three of their screams. I wait a second to see if anything else will happen.


At that outcry, I make my way to Vik's room and walk in. I want to face palm so much at what I find. Vik is crying under a table, JJ is just screaming and pointing, and Simon is running with a sword in his hand.

I look to where JJ is pointing and spot a spider dangling from the ceiling. I spot a glass and pick it up, when Simon leaps for the arachnid. He swings back his sword, but he falls short and lands on the table, causing Vik to scream and cry harder.

I step up and gently maneuver the spider into the cup.

"You're all idiots."

I then proceed out the door and to the outside. Bending down, I remove my hand from the top and softly shake the spider into the grass. I watch as the spider scurries away and I take a deep breathe. Admiring the fresh air before I seal myself away again.

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