The Flower King | Poofless

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Ship: Poofless
Relationship: Strangers
Genre: Fluff 
Prompt: Merome, Poofless, or Vikklan (Person A gets on a plane that crashes in the middle of the jungle. Person A starts to roam away from the plane and the sun is starting to set. Person B, being raised by animals, is already the king of the jungle spots Person A and brings them back to their cave as Person A falls in love with Person B, their hero.) (I stray from this. Sorry)
Requested by kawaii_kiani
A/N: Not Edited
Made the pictures below myself. The picture above is by @arkanoble (their Instagram)
~Preston's POV~

I huff in annoyance as my flight is once again delayed. Other groans spring up. Honestly, they should just cancel it. They just keep delaying. I loved my vacation, but I am getting a bit homesick. I pull out my phone and occupy myself

"Flight 88 is now boarding."

I quickly grab my bags and make my way to the gate. It was weird. They had just delayed the flight five minutes ago, but my tired brain refuses to voice my concern. I glance out the large windows and take in a shaker breath. I can see a huge storm brewing on the horizon. Gulping, I hand my ticket over and board the plane.

~Time Skip~

Oh my God I'm gonna die.

The turbulence is horrible. The plane keeps swaying and the hostess says it's all fine, but I can see her panicked looks. I grip my arm rests and throw a couple of Hail Marys up. I plane lurches and everyone screams. Oxygen masks fall and I quickly put mine on my face. The plane dips again and I shudder in fear. My ears pop as our altitude drops. Children and adults are screaming bloody murder and sobbing. I feel tears slip from my own eyes. I clench them shut and hold my breath.

I'm jarred forward and hit the seat in front of me. I see spots as I look around. Debris is everywhere and a fire has started across the aisle. I hear people screaming, but my world is just growing darker. I stumble from my torn up seat into the bashed up aisle. The screaming grows dim as I fall. I lazily look around and watch as hysterical people run around. Som helping others and some robbing things from bags. The air is putrid, filled with things burning and something metallic. The borders of my vision blacken even more and I lay my head down. I close my eyes, hoping the pounding in my head will reduce if I do so. I feel myself slowly slip into unconsciousness.

~Time Skip~

I groan in pain as I  wake up. My head and torso flare in pain as I move.


I struggle for breath as I force myself into a sitting position. I lift up my ripped shirt and grimace. My chest and stomach are covered in bruises, purple and disgusting. I take in my surroundings. I see a fire a bit away from where I am. I guess those are the remaining survivors. I crawl over to what used to be my seat and use it to lift me up. I jerk open the overhead compartment and surprisingly my bag is still intact. I pull out my hoodie and with great difficulty pull it on. I dig through and pull out my pocket knife. I hear movement around me and I hunker down. I sneakily grab a water bottle from an overturned cart as well as a few bags of peanuts. You may think I'm stupid for not joining the other survivors, but I've read Lord of the Flies. No way am I getting caught up in that. I scurry off the plane and make my way into the forest it had crashed into.

~Rob's POV~

I watch as the people gathered on the edge of the forest build a bigger and bigger fire. One of the people has taken up the role of leader. I roll my eyes at them.


As long as they don't enter my domain, I'll leave them alone. My people have lived in peace on this island for thousands of years. We have been visited, but only by these documentary people. Never before have people ended up on this island unintentionally. I twiddle with the flowers in my bag. I also help with guard duty even if I am the King. This job gets boring quickly, so I bring some flowers to make things with. I carefully pull out the red roses and intricately weave them together. Once finished, I place the circlet of flowers on the crown of my head. It nestles into my hair and the thorns hug my waves, keeping the arrangement stuck in a precarious position.

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