Date Up | Zingstar (Part 2)

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Ship: Zingstar plus some other things

Relationship: FWB? IDK (Seriously though I love that song like I've been listening to it on repeat)

Genre: Who fucking knows at this point

Prompt: Continuation of Chat Up

Boys are 21, Vik is 18 AU

A/N: Not edited. What's this? It's not Vik's POV oh shit the world is ending. Also I hope you guys realize that I always write these within a couple hours. Like the prompt will sit in my drafts and then I'll open it, write it, and publish. I can't leave a story unfinished or even finished in my drafts, it messes with my head too much.

Requested by lol_idc_tbh I hope this is low key lit enough.


~Simon's POV~

My hands shake and I toss my phone back and forth between my palms. What I was about to do felt so dirty and made me feel so guilty. But it has to be done. I scroll through the contacts, looking for the one I need. With a hefty heart I click their name and raise the phone to my ear. The ringing seems loud compared to my surroundings. A faint click sounds and I can hear rustling.

"Simon? What do you want?"

"Josh... I need a favor."

~Time Skip~

"Remind me again why we're spying on Ethan and Simon's cousin?"

I sigh in annoyance and turn to the group.

"Because Vik is my baby cousin and I want to make sure Ethan treats him right."

They all groan and Tobi comes up behind me and wraps his arm around my waist. I lean my head back and it rests on his shoulder.

"You really should just leave them alone Si."

"You know I can't Tob. I promised when I first met him that I would always protect him."

He kisses the side of my head and releases his grip on me. I snap my fingers to gain the attention of the other boys and flip the white board I have around.

"Now, for the game plan. We know they are going to that Italian Bistro down the road. Luckily, Josh works there and is a cook so that's our in. Josh call in and volunteer for a shift."


JJ walks over to him and whispers in his ear. A blush breaks out across his face and he wiggles in his seat uncomfortably. JJ grins and walks back to his seat.

"He'll do it."

We all kinda stare at the duo and our eyes widen in realization.


"MOVING ON! Tobi and I will go on a date tonight at the same place. We'll arrive after so we can be seated away from them."

"So basically you get the fun part."

"Oi! Shut up Jide. You are basically fucking Josh after this."

They both blush and look away. The rest of the guys burst out laughing.

"Okay fuckers. What's my role?"


"The fuck does that mean."

"It means JJ, that Josh will bring you dinner and you get to sit in your car outside the restaurant and you watch to make sure nothing sketchy happens."

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