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Ship: Wroetostar
Relationship: Friends, but he's trying okay?
Genre: Mostly fluff, angst.
Warning: Triggering, self-harm and self-loathing. If that bothers you, please don't read. (The triggering parts are based off what I went through with one of my friends as well as other fanfics I've read.)
Prompt: Where Harry tells Vik "I love you" to try and convince him that he can make Vik happy but Vik is really oblivious and thinks he's joking. (Slightly changed) 

Requested by FloJoUno


~Harry's POV~


I storm through the front door of the Sidemen house. I come to an abrupt halt. Josh sits on the stairs, his head draped forlornly onto his hands. I could immediately sense the tension throughout the house.

"What's wrong?"

Josh looks up and my breath catches at his expression. his eyes are red and tears are still spilling from his eyes. He stands and gestures for me to head upstairs. Now I hear pounding and sobbing coming from up there. I look back to Josh, but he's retreated down the hallway to the kitchen, ear buds now adorning his head. I cautiously make my way up the stairs. Simon stands in front of Vik's door, beating his fist against the stickered surface. Loud sobs tear through him, a new one tumbling from his mouth every time his fist connects with the door.

I gently pull him away and he crumbles to the floor. Soft whimpers and an occasional cry sound from behind the door. I help Simon down the stairs and to the kitchen. I set him up with a glass of water and head back to Vik's door. I knock softly.

"Vik? Can you open the door please?"

"G-go away H-Harry."

I lean against the door and let out a sigh. This had happened once before and had devastated the Sidemen for months. The trip to the emergency room had scared us all. No one, but Vik and I knew what set off the last episode. Neither of us had spoken about it since the day but based on what was happening now... I wished we had.

"At least tell me you haven't done... it."

"I... I want to... It hurts Harry."

"Open the door, Vik... Please."

Cries spring up from beyond the door again and I feel my own welling up.

"Please, Vikky... At least unlock the door."

A small click lifts my spirits and I carefully turn the knob. I make my way through the door and turn to close it. I see Josh and Simon warily perched on the stairs, watching. I send them a weak smile and close the door.

I turn into the room. Vik's computer screen glow brightly in the dark room. Things are everywhere, nothing is where it should be. Vik lays on the bed, curled up into the corner. I slowly pick up the room, straightening up the desk and folding clothes. Every now and then I see Vik glance at me, his lip trembling ever so slightly. I walk over to him and hold out my hand.

"Please Vik... Hand it over."

Tears stream down his face and he shakily raises his hands. A knife clenched between his palms is revealed. The blade though was not just a lifeless steel color. The blade had a slight crimson stain to it, enough to worry me, but not enough to freak out.

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