Competition | Minizerkstar

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Ship: Minizerkstar

Relationship: Dating

Genre: Fluff/Angst

Prompt: requested by inneffable-online the picture from my art book (shameless plug). Loosely based


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~Josh's Pov~

"It's no fair! Why's he wearing your hoodie! He asked for mine this morning."

I roll my eyes at the complaining blond.

"Might be due to the fact that you scared him and he spilt milk on himself."

"Oh yeah!"

In nearly face palm as he thinks things over. God I love him but he can be a real idiot at times. He stands up and runs from the room.




"Leave who alone Joshy?"

Vik crawling into my lap startled me. When'd he get here? He snuggles into my chest and let's out a content sigh.

"Tough recording?"

"I'm just tired. No Si or you to cuddle last night."

"Ah, I'm sorry baby. I thought Simon would cuddle you last night. I'll try to finish my recording early tonight."

"Thank you Joshy."

Footsteps thud through the house and Vik raises his head to meet the stampeding blond.

"Si, shh. Snuggle time."

"Here Vikky."

Simon holds out one of his hoodies to the sleepily cinnamon boy. He blinks at the garment and a confused look appears.

"For you to wear. Since I ruined the other one."

"I'm wearing Joshy's right now Si."

With that, Vik tucks himself back into me and relaxes. Simon stands dumbfounded and silently fumes until Vik's breathing evens out and cute little snores leave him.

"This means war Joshua."





I hear Vik's door open and his stomps as he gets to Simon's room. Simon has been pissed, because Vik has refused to take off my hoodie. The blue material is slowly stretching out, engulfing the boy in the fabric.

I decide to go see what shenanigans Simon is pulling this time. As I approach his door, I can hear their voices filter through the door.

"No Si, not right now. Wait for Joshy. We promised."

"But Viiiiik."

I open the door and take in the scene. Simon is laid out on the bed in a very Titanic-esque pose. Vik stand close by, sweater paws tucked up to his chest and cheeks heavily flushed.

I feel a bit of rage boil under my skin. What Simon was trying to do was obvious.


Vik runs to me and wraps his arms around me. Simon throws a disgruntled look at me.

"Don't give me that. I know what you're trying to do. If you want him to wear your damn hoodie, just ask. Don't throw a god damn fit and try to break the one promise we all made each other."

Simon has the humility to actually look guilty at what he tried to do. He pushes himself off the bed and shuffles awkwardly over to us.  Vik turns around and leans back against my chest.

"I'm... I'm sorry you guys. I'm really sorry."

A little tear goes down his cheek and Vik steps forward. He snuggles into Simon, who in turn wraps his arms around the small boy.

"It's okay Si. Just don't do that again, okay?"

"I won't Star. I promise."

I take a few calming breaths and go over to the two. I pull them both into my arms, causing Vik to be sandwiched between us.

"I'm really sorry Josh."

"I know babe. I forgive you. Let's go lay down for a bit okay?"

Both of them nod and we shuffle onto Simon's bed. We flop down in a giant cuddle puddle and readjust to be comfortable.

"I love you guys. You know that right?"

"We love you too Si. Just talk next time. Communication is the key to making this relationship work."

"Quite being right Vik. Go to sleep."

I kid both of their foreheads and lean back, closing my eyes. I slowly drift off as I listen to the other's breathing relax.

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