So Gay | Zerkstar

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Ship: Zerkstar

Relationship: Dating

Genre: fluff

Prompt: from my drawing book
High School Au

(Clothes will be different like Vik is wearing this:

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(Clothes will be different like Vik is wearing this:

(Clothes will be different like Vik is wearing this:

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But with a slightly more school appropriate shirt)


~Josh's POV~

A low wolf whistle makes me turn and hit Simon across the back of the head. He rubs the sore spot but continues to stare at the girl he was eyeing, thankfully not cat calling. Smacked that out of him a few months ago.

"Jeez, Josh. Learn to appreciate."

I saw nothing in return. Most of my friends think I'm straight. I've tried telling them that I'm pansexual before, but they just laughed it off. My partner wasn't happy about that and about went out to slap them silly once I told them. Thankfully, I was able to stop them with a few... tactics.

"Josh? You okay?"

This times it's Tobi who's talking. I just nod my head and give him a little smile. He frowns in return but doesn't push it.

We make it to our home room just in time for the bell to ring. I glance at my partner's seat and find it empty, so I train my eyes on the door. Just as the final bell rings, they appear followed closely by their friend, Sarah.

"Yo, dude! You better not be staring at Cal's girl."

I glare at JJ and roll my eyes. I hear him lean over to Simon and start whispering, no doubt starting a nasty rumor.


Class passes quickly, with me mostly staring at my partner's head. Two more hours and I can hold them again. We only had alone time together during our free period. We'd both been too busy with exams and papers to meet outside of school and I was getting antsy.

As soon as the bell rings, my friends pull me back down into my seat, preventing me from leaving and potentially brushing hands with my cuddle bug.

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