Distractions | Zerkstar

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Ship: Zerkstar
Genre: Fluff
Relationship: Dating
Prompt above
College AU
Slight swearing
~Vik's POV~

What a day.

Today has been horrible so far. Nothing has gone right. My stupid dorm mate, Harry, had drunk all the milk so I couldn't eat my cereal. On top of that, I had forgotten about an essay due in for my class. There goes my 'A' in that class.

Also, it's been raining all day and I forgot both my umbrella and my coat in my dorm. Therefore, I'm a freezing, sopping mess right now. Aaaaand I just got splashed by a bus.

Just great.

Currently, I'm walking to my lovely boyfriend's apartment. Josh got lucky this year and was able to get an apartment whereas I got stuck with a dorm.

You see, I'm only a freshmen in college and it's required we stay in the dorms. Josh, however, is in his third year so he has a choice.

Stupid age gap.

The only downside to his apartment though is that he shares it with two other people, Simon and Tobi. They seem to never leave so cuddle and movie nights are often shared with them and it's never peaceful.

Things are starting to look up, though. Josh had just texted me saying that his roommates were leaving to go on some sort of road trip and that I could stay at his place until they get back.

He said he would meet me outside the apartment complex and we would go get dinner. Being the broke uni students we are, it will probably end up being McDonalds or something cheap, but I don't care. I get to spend time with Josh and he'll make my day feel less like a living hell.

I keep trudging through puddles, getting closer and closer to my destination. The building comes into sight and I can see Josh leaning against the column by the door. I pick up my pace, eager to end the suffering of my day when suddenly a figure blocks my path.

"Ah, Mr.Barn. Fancy seeing you here. In fact, I was just thinking of calling and speaking with you."

You have got to be kidding me.

Standing in front of me is my Microbiology professor. And yes, this is the one I forgot the essay for.

I see Josh glance up and look my way. I must have a look of complete dread on my face, because he quickly looks worried and starts making his way towards me.

"Good evening, Professor."

I raise my voice a bit and stare at Josh, hoping to convey that it is okay. He slows down and stops about five feet behind my professor. A look of amusement spreads across his face.

"Yes good evening Vikram. You see, I'm a bit puzzled."

"Oh, how so sir?"

Just leave me alone so I can go cuddle with my boyfriend, asshole.

"Well Vikram, I was going through my papers and grading essays and I finished your class's, but alas your paper wasn't in there."

What is your obsession with my name, dude? You don't have to say it every sentence.

"Well, sir. You see. Um. I forgot about it, so I wasn't able to turn it in."

He sighs and practically facepalms. He then draws himself up as if he were about to teach.

Oh shit.

"Vikram, you are one of my best students..."

Great a frickin lecture. Just what I needed.

I sneak a peek at Josh. He looks like he's about to start dying of laughter. I send him a pleading look. He shakes his head and chuckles.


"I don't want a repeat of this..."

Dang, he is still going.

Josh looks at me with a mischievous smile. At this point in the lecture, the professor starts to use hand motions and walk around a bit. Just like he does in class. Josh steps up to stand behind him by about two feet. Then he starts moving his mouth as if he's talking and starts copying the professor. I smother the giggle that threatens to leave my mouth.

"Oh, so you believe procrastination is a joke do you Vikram? Well, let me tell you..."


I shoot Josh a glare. He just cheekily smiles and mouths, "Banter". I just shake my head at him and smirk.

"Vikram are you listening to me? This is an important matter and should not-"

I stopped listening and focused on Josh who, in my opinion, was getting way too into the impression. He looked like an actor from one of those cheesy off brand movies. Over exaggerated and obnoxious movements.

"Vikram what is distracting you from this important conversation?"

The professor turns around and Josh freezes mid-movement.

"You there, young man... What on Earth are you doing?"

Josh just stands and stares. Completely frozen from being caught. Time to step in, I guess.

"I promise this won't happen again, professor. It was just a one-time thing and I'll email you my paper tonight."

With that I launch myself forward and grab Josh's arm, dragging him away.

"Wait. Vikram!"

The professor tries to stop me, but Josh finally decides to take action and begins pulling me now.

Damn his long legs.

Once we get far enough away I stop us.

"Dang Josh, respect the shortness of others. I about face planted you were going so fast."

We simply chuckle and he wraps his arms around my waist. I return the favor by sliding my arms around his neck. He presses a quick kiss to my lips.

"I missed you doll."

I blush at the nickname and quickly kiss his cheek. I then hide in his chest.

"I missed you more."

He starts rubbing my back but quickly withdraws his hand and steps back a bit.

"Doll? Why are you soaked?"

I groan in annoyance.

"Well, it all started at breakfast..."

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