Where Is Home?

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Home for me is where I feel comfortable. Where I don't feel pressured to be doing something or meeting an expectation. It's where I can sit in peace and not be bothered. To me, it doesn't really matter if there are people there or not. I always call places home if I am comfortable there. My dorm is my home. My parent's house is my home. One particular friend's house is my home. To me, you can have multiple homes, because each one provides you with different aspects of what you consider home. Where home is for you, changes based on what you need and want.

Home specifically for me is warm. Not cold. Not squelching. Warm. Blankets adorning at least one surface. A light scent of something baking, drifting throughout the space. Often accompanied by a plug-in scent. A bed or large pillow taking up space, allowing me to relax. Various Spotify playlists humming through my earbuds. My dog, Kipper, resting in my lap as I turn the pages of the current novel I am reading. The pop of mint gum sometimes being heard. My laptop perched precariously somewhere close. Skype and various tabs opened, so friends and acquaintances can reach me. Occasionally, a chime will draw my attention to the computer. A friend asking for advice or just seeing if I can chat.


Yes, this is a bit different. At my college, all freshmen must take a mandatory writing course. Today was my first class and we already had to write and turn something in. The subject was, Where is home for you? I decided to share this with you guys, and will probably share more as the semester progresses. 

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