Monster | KsiStar

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Ship: KsiStar


Genre: Angst


A/B: Not Edited (When are they ever) Something different for you

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A/B: Not Edited (When are they ever) Something different for you. The rhyming happened accidentally and is inconsistent. Shorter than normal, but you'll see why.



He's always been afraid of me. I can't blame him.

 He's grown up with stories of how horrible I am. He's watched movies and read books. 

 I've never harmed him, though. I couldn't touch a hair on his head. 

We've grown up together and I've saved him every night. 

It wasn't supposed to be this way. My mission was very clear. 

Scare the poor boy as a test. To know if you are feared.

I crept in one night. While everyone was out.

I snuck under the bed. No one raised a shout.

The little boy entered. No older than three.

I knew I couldn't do it.  I think most would agree.

His eyes plead innocence. His heart pure gold.

Little did I know of the events that would unfold.

His parents tucked him in and read a story.

I never realized it would become gory.

They left the room and he dozed off.

That's when someone threw a Molotov.

It busted the window and the fire caught.

The room filled with smoke and it grew hot.

The boy slept soundly unaware of the harm.

His parents made no noise, raised no alarm.

I scooped up the boy and he barely stirred.

We made it outside and the scene was absurd.

His parents stand there, facing the fire.

Not caring that their son could be in the pyre.

Every night since then, I watch over the lad.

Through thick and thin, good and bad.

His parents never cared and he took the hits.

Some days he wanted to call it quits.

I wouldn't let him, for I knew he was strong.

On bad days, he would lay and sing a song.

He may fear me and think I'm bad.

But he knows I'll always protect him from his dad.

He endures the hits, for they could be worse.

I'm always there to save him from his curse.

Some nights the beating wouldn't end.

And that's when I knew I had to save my friend.

I'd slink from the shadows and get in between.

He would escape and the hits would stop.

He would lock the door and cry nonstop.

I saved him and yet he still fears.

If only I could be the one to dry his tears.

He curls and hides from my sight.

If only this wasn't my birthright.

My claws are sharp, my teeth as well.

My looks keep me locked in a cell.

He cries and cries.

While my heart slowly dies.

He grows up quick and never asks for help.

Fo he knows, I'll always be there when I hear a yelp.

He may not like me or care for me at all.

But I'll always help him if he starts to fall.

The years pass and he moves out.

He moves in with other people and that makes me pout.

They make him laugh. They make him smile.

If only I could do that for awhile.

I feel myself fade as his age rises.

Isn't life full of surprises.

They never told me what would happen.

That once attached, he needs to believe.

Without his fears, I would have to leave.

But I don't want him to fear.

Maybe one day I'll reappear.

I lay on the ground, disappearing from the world

He walks in with hands furled.

"I'm sorry", he whispers, "For I never thanked you."

"You're quite welcome, it's all I could do."

Tears fill his eyes and I look confused.

My body fills with pain and I feel abused.

He hugs me and kisses my forehead.

We both know I'm almost at my end.

He doesn't fear me and never will.

I spared him with my goodwill.

My eyes close and my breaths are thick.

As I say good bye to my little Vik.

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