Christmas Secrets | Ministar

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Ship: Ministar
Relationship: Friends then dating
Genre: Fluffs and Giggles
Prompt above
Alcohol, Swearing
This is Ministar because awhile ago FloJoUno suggested that Simon call Vik 'Angel' and so it fit the prompt.
A/N: Not edited
~Vik's POV~

I'm late. I was supposed to meet Josh and Tobi to go to a club that they wanted to try out. I was late getting out of work, so I was late getting home where they were waiting.

I press the up button on the elevator. I wait maybe ten seconds before sprinting for the stairwell. As I'm going up I crash into something. More specifically a person.

"Shit. I'm so sorry!"


I pick myself up and look at who I crashed into.

Damn it.

"I'm so sorry Simon. I'm in a rush today."

I had crashed into my (extremely attractive) neighbor, Simon. We've talked before. Sometimes we'll sit in each others flats and have deep conversations about life. Mostly mindless ramblings, but I enjoy them.

"It's okay Vik. I wasn't watching where I was going."

I'm about to come back with another 'no it's my fault' when my phone starts ringing. I pull it out and groan.

"Sorry Simon. I've got to go, people are impatient."

"No problem. See you later I guess."

I awkwardly wave and take off again. I'm up eight floors when I start panting for breathe. I can feel the sweat dripping down my face. That's what I get for wearing a heavy winter coat while running I guess. I mean come on its freakin' December.

I burst out of the door and make a dash for my flat. A package sits outside the door.  It's wrapped in Christmas themed wrapping paper. Seeing how Christmas is in about six days, I'm not surprised. I am surprised though that the label says my address.

That means someone sent this to me and that's weird. I don't have many friends that send me things and my family always waits until the annual Christmas party. Plus this should be in the mail room, not at my door.

I hesitantly pick up the box. I double check the label and sure enough it is my name written there. I unlock my door and head inside.

I'm instantly bombarded by Tobi and Josh. I wave them away and head to the kitchen. I gently set the box down and grab a knife. I slice the paper and tape.

I open the box and stare at the contents. Various candies litter the stuffing. A little Santa plushie sits in the corner. A personalized Coca Cola bottle stands in another. A card lays in the middle. I swipe it up and open the envelope. The letter inside is hand written and short.

Why do I need Christmas presents when I already have you? Merry Christmas to the most beautiful angel on Earth. I love you.


My brain has literally stopped functioning. My world is now focused on the card in my hand.

Someone loves me?

I turn over the card, hoping for some clue as to who it is, but there's none. By now, Josh and Tobi have joined me and are sifting through the box.

"Little Vikky got an admirer huh? Who is it?"

"I-I-I d-don't know."

I snatch the items from their hands and toss it back into the box. I run to my room with it and throw it all on the bed. I quickly shrug out of my coat and grab new clothes. I take a five minute shower and rush back out to the living room.

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