Who Are You? | Ministar

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Ship: Ministar
Genre: Fluff
Relationship: Friends/Crushes
Prompt above.
High School AU
Thank you to FloJoUno for the ship suggestion.
Really long, like about 3,700 words. Should have split it up but too lazy to.
Poems used:
It Is Here by Harold Pinter
It's a secret by Anastacia
Secret Admirer By Thoeun Prom
I fell for you by Jesse
In A Boat by D.H. Lawrence
Let Me Trust You by Dawn
~Simon's POV~

I trudge through the halls of the school. Other zombies like students walk around me. I saw a couple of my friends and give a tired wave before continuing. I twist the knob of my locker, quickly entering the memorized numbers. As soon as I open the door a piece of paper floats down. Curious I pick it up.

What sound was that?
I turn away, into the shaking room.
What was that sound that came on in the dark?
What is this maze of life it leaves us in?
What is this stance we take,
to turn away, and then turn back?
What did we hear?
It was the breath we took when we first met.
It is here.
- Little Star

I reread the poem again and again. It's quite simple but elegant in its own way. It kinda sounds like a love poem, but I'm not sure.


I look up and see a few of my friends have gathered around my locker. The yeller was none other than JJ. I shove the poem into my pocket, close my locker, and turn towards my friends.

~Time Skip~

I am so bored sitting in English. Vik and Tobi sit to the left and in front of me respectively. I could bug Vik, but we are supposed to be taking notes so I left him alone. I decide to get out of here, even if it's for a few minutes. I raise my hand.

"Yes, Simon?"

"May I go to the bathroom?"

"Hurry back."

I stand up and leave.

Hurry back? Ha! Yeah right.

~Vik's POV~

Simon leaves and I take this as my chance. I have a poem that's almost finished. I can complete it and slip it in his bag and he wouldn't be the wiser. I begin writing. The words flowing easily. I purposely make sure my handwriting is different than my normal writing.

The teacher is currently occupied so I lean across the aisle and slip the paper into the pocket of Simon's backpack. Just in the nick of time as well.

~Simon's POV~

Five minutes were left of English when I got back. Vik looked nervous about something. Maybe we have to turn in our work or something? Vik hates showing what he writes. It's weird but he absolutely refuses to. The teachers get annoyed with him. The reason he doesn't fail is because he'll stay after school and have the teacher grade the paper then, but the teacher never gets to keep the paper. Again, weird.

"You okay there Shortie?"

He flinches and turns toward me. His hands are shaking and he looks fearful.

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