Baby | Josh + Vik Centric [Part 2]

838 57 14

Ship: Minizerk I guess

Genre: Fluff

Prompt: Random

A/N: Do you guys honestly like these?

Little bit shorter than the last one and not edited


~Josh's POV~

I stumble up the stairs after bidding Tobi goodbye. The whole building is silent, which is rare, especially on the weekend. As quietly as I can, I unlock the door to my apartment. I creep in and remove my jacket. The TV plays one of Vik's movie, but I hear no sound. I move, peering over the couch. My heart stops at the sight. Simon is sprawled out on the couch, feet hanging off the end. Vik lays with his face snuggled into his chest, wrapped up in a blanket. The whole thing just looked right. I walk around the couch and gently pick Vik up. He wakes up and blinks at me.

"Da *yawn* da?"

"Hi, baby. Did you have fun with Simon?"

"Si Si nice Dada. Make cookie. Have cookie Dada?"

"Go back to sleep baby. Maybe tomorrow."

He snuggles into my neck and falls asleep again. I make my way to the bedroom and tuck Vik into the bed. He doesn't have a crib, so he sleeps in the bed. Just as I finish tucking him in, a frazzled Simon runs in. He stares blankly at me and I raise an eyebrow in response.

"I woke up and Vik wasn't with me... Kinda panicked."

Vik whimpers and shifts on the bed, so we both head back to the living room and plop down on the couch.

"Thank you for watching him. I don't get time to hang out with friends often."

"It's really no problem Josh. Seriously call me anytime. Vik is an absolute sweetheart."

We both fall into silence, and I glance at the TV again. I chuckle at what is playing.

"So... Thomas the Tank Engine?"

"Shut up, Vik was loving it."

"He also told me you made cookies?"

Simon groans and blushes, burying his head in his hands.


"I didn't actually bake them... They're store bought, but Vik wanted to bake, so I put them on a tray and put them in the oven for like 2 minutes to make them warm."

I start laughing at Simon's confession and he joins slowly, still a bit embarrassed by it.

"Honestly would have done the same."


"Vik sit on the blanket please."

" 'anna pway Dada."

"I'm trying to show you something Vik please."


"Come here baby.'

Vik toddles his way over to me and plops himself down. I pull him close and lay down on the blanket.

"Okay, Vik. Lookup."

His little head turns and looks to the sky. His eyes widen in amazement. He might be almost two, but he is always fascinated by things, especially the stars. Hands reach for the sky and make the grabbing motion.


"Yup baby. Can you find the one Dada showed you."

His face twists into one concentration. His eyes scan the night sky, searching for a familiar pattern. He smiles and points to the north star.


"Good job baby. That's the bear star."

He lets out a little laugh and claps for himself. He nestles back into my chest and stares at the stars. My hand lazily brushes through his hair and slowly he starts to become sleepy.

"Wuv oo Dada."

"Love you too baby."


"Pa wad me, Dada?"

I look down at my baby in confusion.

"Who's Pa sweetheart?"

Now Vik looks confused like I'm supposed to know who Pa is. A knock at the door startles me and I cross the floor and open it. A familiar blond head stumbles through the door.

"Sorry for the last minute call Simon."

"No problem. Wasn't doing anything."

A stamp on his hand and a slight smell of cologne and smoke tell me that wasn't quite true. The stamp is from a club a couple blocks down.

"Simon, you could've said no honestly."

"No, no. It's fine. Rather see this little munchkin."

Vik, who had been occupied by a button on my shirt, looks up finally. A giant grin erupts from him and he makes grabby hands at Simon. The blond smiles back and takes my baby into his arms. He presses his forehead to Vik's and talks softly to my baby, while I move back and gather everything I need. I make my way back to the whispering duo and kiss Vik's forehead.

"Kiss Si Si Dada."



"Sorry Simon."

I press a kiss to Simon's forehead as well. Blushes break out across both of our faces. The air becomes slightly awkward and Vik sits in Simon's arms with the largest grin.


Slobbery kisses grace both of our cheeks and we both stare at my baby in bewilderment. Oh dear. 

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