Could You Not?! | Vobi

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Ship: Vobi

Relationship: Classmates

Genre: fluff

Prompt: the soulmate prompt where writing on your skin appears on your soul mates. (Mostly did this because I've been covering my arm in song lyrics for the past few days)

High School AU

A/N: Not edited

~Vik's POV~

It appears on my skin the same time every day. A few song lyrics and some doodles. I can always tell it's 10:56 because that's the time that the doodles appear without fail.

From the doodles, I've deciphered that they are a fan of Panic! At The Disco and Twenty Øne Pilots. The song that appears the most is This is Gospel, which happens to be my favorite. When the lyrics first starting appearing, it freaked me out. I thought I could mind write onto my arm because at the time the song that appeared on my arm was playing through the classroom speakers. I excitedly told my mom and she explained to me about soul mates.

When we hit 17, anything that appears on our arms will appear on the one who's destined to be with you. I personally call bull crap, because I'm destined to be alone. My friends over the years have slowly moved away. Any relationship I tried crumbled before it could even begin. I'm just not meant to be loved.

I shake away my negative thoughts and focus back on my arm. Slowly the ink seeps onto my skin and words twist and curves across the cinnamon surface.

'I ponder of something great'

I smile at the familiar lyrics and click my pen. Today, I am going to write back. They litter my skin, why not litter theirs?

'So your lungs fill and then deflate?'

I hear a startled gasp from across the room, but I can't tell who made it. I already knew they were in here, because of the first time, but I never could catch anyone with the words painted on their skin. Whispers drift towards me, but again as I look I can't spot anyone.

'Who are you?'

I roll my eyes at the standard question. Doesn't this person want a bit of mystery? Find each other a different way?

'I'm nobody'

'You aren't anybody if we are talking'

'It's a big big world'

'You think we are bigger?'

'Well I often push myself to the limit'

We continue talking in song lyrics. Our arms filling to the point where the words overlap each other. The bell rings and I hastily throw my papers and textbook into my bag and make my way out. I will admit that I searched for ink covered skin more than usual as I left.

~Next Day~

I anxiously wait for the words to appear on my skin. My pen poised to immediately reply. And right on time, the letters form.



'My friends think that we should meet up'

'You don't?'

'I do, but the question is do you?'

I start writing out my response when I feel a tickle in my other arm. I glance over and my eyes widen.There on my arm, for all the world to see is a crude drawing of a dick.

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