Halloween (ish) | Ministar

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Ship: Ministar

Relationship: Secretly dating 

Genre: Fluff

Prompt: Combination of a few different ones.

Non-Youtuber AU.
Vik lives with Josh.

A/N: Not really Halloween themed, just set during it and as always, not edited

~Vik's POV~

"Honey, you've gotta hold still. I can't zip this up if you keep moving."

Miraculously, the seven-month-old understands me and quits wiggling. I zip up the back of her costume and tickle her tummy. Tiny peals of laughter ring out and I watch as her face crinkles up with happiness. The fabric of her costume rustles noisily as she moves. The orangeness of the costume contracts harshly with her skin, but she looks too adorable. I plop a hat on her head and she fusses over it.

"None of that now Ivy. It's cold out sweetie."

Again she seems to understand and quits trying to pull it off. Instead, she focuses her attention on the toys hanging from the handle of her car seat.

"It's like you've trained her."

Josh enters the kitchen and pushes Ivy's car seat, the rocking motion pulling her attention from the toys. She squeals out and holds her arms out to Josh.

"I'm still her favorite uncle, though."

"You're the only uncle she sees, idiot."


He covers Ivy's ears with his hands and mock scolds me.

"No bad words around the baby."

Ivy gets a hold of Josh's hand and he allows her to pull it around. She curiously studies it and gently pats it. Suddenly, she bites down on his finger. Since she has only two teeth it doesn't hurt much, but it still freaks Josh out.

"Cheeky lil Ivy."

He pulls his hand back and boops her nose. A pout sets on her face and he frowns in return.

"Take her away before I adopted her myself Vikram."

"Oi! She's my daughter hands off."

I buckle her into the seat and pick it up, allowing it to swing by my side.

"I don't want to go to work today."

"Yeah, we both know you want to stay at the daycare center and stare at that one guy all day."

"Shut up!... He has a name you know."

"Oh yes. I know, but it's too much fun to see you get all defensive."

"Get in the car, you're driving today."

"I drove last week!"

"Don't care. You were mean."

~Time Skip~

We park by the day care center and I pull a babbling Ivy from her seat. She absolutely loves it here. Josh holds the door open, batting away the fake spider webs that hang there. At the front desk, bowls of candy wait patiently for greedy hands and just for the babies, there's a bowl of bitter biscuits. I hand one to Ivy as I wait for someone to come over so she can be checked.

"Here comes your drool material Vik."

I glare at Josh but soften my expression as I turn to the worker, Simon. I shyly glance at him and he winks at me.

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