Precious | Kstar

1.5K 63 24

Ship: Kstar 

Relationship: Friends

Genre: Fluff

Prompt: From Snapchat

A/N: Collab with a miss UmbreTheWriter. Always a pleasure working with ya. As per usual, in her book as well.

Set up for a part 2, but let us know your thoughts I guess

Also, we went way overboard with this (just under 3600 words), but I wouldn't change a thing


Skype Names:

Ethan- Behzy Boo

JJ- sugar daddy

Simon- Mone

Vik- BB Star

Tobi- Tabi Cat

Harry- Who?

Josh- Dada


Behzy-Boo: isn't it weird how we talk on Skype but have never called each other?

Dada: a little bit

Moné: why don't we call each other rn?

BB Star: but we've never seen each other's faces before

Who?: sounds good to me.

Tabi Cat: lowkey excited

Sugar Daddy: I'm down, I guess

Suddenly, a loud ringing came from Vik's computer. Sidemen Group Chat is calling read the message on the screen.

"Oh God..." Vik whispered, his stomach churning.

He turned off the camera and pressed accept.                

The second he connected to the call, Vik was bombarded with loud noises. Six other boys were on the screen, but Vik was panicking too hard to tell who was who. Laughter and shouts came from the boys, scaring the young boy. His eyes jump from each boy, trying desperately to calm down.

"Hey, Vik! Why isn't your camera on?" A boy with blond hair and a quiff asked.

"Oh! Well, I..." Vik trailed off, fear overwhelming him.

He hurriedly left the call in a panic, his eyes stinging from tears.

"God, you're such an idiot!" Vik yelled to himself, falling backward on his bed. After a few minutes of Vik beating himself up, a skype notification came in.

Sugar Daddy: You ok?

BB Star: yes why?

Sugar Daddy: Vik... don't lie to me. What's wrong?

BB Star: I don't feel comfortable with the cameras. How do I know you guys won't insult how I look?

Sugar Daddy is typing ...

Vik leaned back and watched as the familiar message popped up. He is scared for JJ's response. He brings his knees to his chest, folding himself in half on his bed. His chin rests comfortably on his knees as he waits.

Sugar Daddy: I don't care if you have a neck beard covering 10305982 chins. You're still beautiful.

BB Star: ... Really?

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