Shakespearian Love | Woofstar

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Ship: Woofstar (Provided by the gorgeous and talented UmbreTheWriter )

Relationship: Frenemies?

Genre: Fluff and cuteness 

Prompt: See above (Can you spot all the Romeo and Juliet references? Not all of the Shakespeare parts are Romeo and Juliet btw)

A/N: Not edited. I'm really proud of the beginning, like in all my English classes I was never able to do this and then I just go for it here and I love it.

I feel like I wrote in a bit of a different style, but it fits I guess?

Kinda moves a bit fast, but eh don't all teenagers move quickly with relationships (Seriously, you should see some of my friends)

For the most part (few places don't have it) bolded means it's a Shakespeare quote.


Two sides, both alike in dignity,

In fair London, where we lay our scene,

From ancient debate break to new argument,

Where uncivil words makes civil mouths unclean.

From forth the fatal words of these two groups

A pair of star-cross'd lovers break the rules

Whose adventured affair overthrows

Do with their love bury their groups' strife.

The fearful passage of their hate mark'd love,

And the continuance of their friends' rage

Which, but their friends' love, nought could remove,

Is now the wordy traffic of this book,

To which with patient eyes attend,

What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.

~3rd Person POV~

People glanced down the hallways nervously. They could make out the two groups squared off at the end of the corridor They held their breath as the two leaders stepped up. Each taking a deep breath and puffing out their chest. One raises their thumb to their mouth, bites it, and flicks. Gasps and shocked whispers echo through the passageway. To anyone else, that was nothing, but to the Shakespeare club, that was one of the worst things they could have done. Everyone has seen them in these battles when they were in jest. But now, everyone knows they are meant to harm and destroy.

"You did not just bite your thumb at me, Josh!"

"And what are you going to do about it, Simon? Hmm? THOU WRETCH, THOU COWARD!"

"A most notable coward, an infinite and endless liar, an hourly promise breaker, the owner of no one good quality."

Catcalls and a few 'BURN's spring up from the group behind Simon. He smirks confidently for him and everyone else knows he can quote more Shakespeare than Josh. Others join in on the verbal onslaught. They throw insults and quotes, hoping that one strikes a chord on the other side. No one notices the two, one on either side, that don't participate but instead gaze at each other.

Everyone know how the feud started and if they were being honest, they all thought it petty. Yes, Romeo and Juliet can be interpreted two ways, but to attack each other over it? Petty. They had all been confused when the once friends were separated. They had walked into the school screaming and news traveled fast. The school's newspaper was decorated with the scandal.

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