Colorblind | Merome

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Ship: Merome (bits of Vikklan) 
Genre: Fluff
Relationship: Dating
Prompt Above
Some parts are really close to the video.
A/N: Not edited
~Mitch's POV~

I grab the camera and turn it on. It beeps as it powers up and I nervously glance at the sleeping Jerome. He shifts around but luckily doesn't wake up.

I set the camera on a tripod facing the bed. Once it's set I press record and begin my plan. I run up and jump on the bed.


I jump around on the bed and blow the air horn I have in my hand. Jerome shoots up, obviously scared out of his mind.


By this point, I had draped myself over him. I nuzzled into his chest.

"But it's your birthday. You get extra cuddles."

He wraps his arms around me. He starts rubbing my back and sighs. After enjoying the few seconds of peace, I get out of his embrace and jump off the bed.

"Come on!! We have plans for the day."

"I though I told you I don't want a party Benja?"

"And I promised that I wouldn't throw one. We are going out and meeting the guys. It's not a party."

He looks at me like I'm crazy. Technically I am. I mean everyone either lives in a different state or country so why would we meet them.

"We have to go get them from the airport silly. Vik will be here in an hour. Lachlan will be with him cause ya know he's been with him for a week. Preston and Rob should be waiting for us right now."

He jumps out of bed and rapidly pulls on clothes.

"So Vikklan has been visiting each other again?"

"Mmhmm. You know they hate the distance."

He simply hums and continues to put on clothes. I grab the shirt he's trying to put on and give him a different one.

"Wear this one. That one clashes with your shorts."

He pecks my lips and continues dressing. I grab the camera and stop the recording. I pack it in a bag and hustle out of the room. I put the bag in the car. I want to record today's events so why not be prepared.

My phone rings as I make my way back into the house. The screen is lit up with Preston's picture. I swipe the screen to answer.

"What up Lava P?"

"Oh, nothing.... You know... Just chilling at an airport.... On the ground... Outside.... Where you were supposed to get us and give us food over A HALF AN HOUR AGO!!"

"I though your plane got in at 10?"

"Mitchell it is almost 11. Rob and I have been waiting here since 10:15. We are both hungry and I'm pretty sure I see Vik and Lachlan so you are very late."

In the background, I hear Rob talking. Vik and Lachlan's voices drifting through a second later.


"Okay hang on. We are on our way."

I hang up the call and bolt into the bedroom.

"We've got to go. The boys are waiting for us."

"It's my birthday. They can wait."

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