Chapter 28

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This chapter is dedicated to everyone. I love you guys. My (late) Christmas present to you is a longer chapter than usual. Really important A/N at the end, please read all of it or you'll miss out on a great opportunity.


I bite my lip to stop from laughing and, after putting the bag of flour of the ground, pour the water all over his head. He sits up straight away and gasps.

"Danny?" He asks and I grin evilly.

"Sorry Kappy!" I exclaim before grabbing the flour bag off the floor and throwing flour at his face.

"Danny!" He exclaims but I know he's not angry at me.

I run off, down the hall towards the stairs, laughing. "Merry Christmas sucker!"


{25th December, Friday}

"Skylar!" Avi shouts and I laugh again then begin the ascent down the stairs.

"What did you-" Mitch pokes his head out of his door and bursts out laughing when he sees Avi flour-faced. "Oh my God." Avi pauses, does the super frown, Mitch takes a photo and then Avi begins after me again.

I race around and manage to get back upstairs. I grab my phone from next to my door -I left it there when I went to bed with Mitch-, unlock it and wait for Avi to enter my room.

He eventually does and I take quite a few pictures of him before darting around him and down the hall to one of the spare rooms. I lock myself in there and giggle while I unlock my phone again and look at the photos.

"Lar," a familiar voice says and I look up and just see Scott before whipped cream hits my face.

"Little Cloud," Mitch says and, mistakenly, I look up again. This time I'm met with a face full of sprinkles.

I start laughing and can hear the two join in.

"Merry Christmas!" They exclaim and I grin at them.

"Merry Christmas," I reply and they grin back at me. "Now, let me go to the bathroom so I can wash all this cream and sprinkle off then I'll meet you downstairs."

"Wash it off?" Scott asks and walks towards the door. "Why don't you just eat it?"

My head shoots towards Mitch. The brunette shakes his head, silently telling me not to tell him.

"I uh," my gaze moves back in Scott's direction and I rack my brain for an excuse. "I... Wanted to take a selfie in the mirror with you guys!" Mitch sighs a quiet, relieved sigh from behind me and I bite my lip.

"Yeah, okay," Scott says and unlocks the door. "But I'm looking a bit under dressed." He shakes the whipped cream spray can, tilts his head back and draws a moustache on his upper lip. He tilts his head the right way again and I laugh; he looks ridiculous. Mitch walks past me, grabs some sprinkles from his sprinkle bag and, after Scott tilts his head back again and sort of crouches down so Mitch can reach, sprinkles them all over the whipped cream.

We all rush to the bathroom mirror and laugh. I pull out my phone and put it into camera mode. I raise an eyebrow, Scott does the duck face and Mitch does his normal flawless face - you know the one where he pushes his lips out slightly and tilts his face slightly to the side and slightly to the back. I take the photo and we need another one where everyone is grinning madly. We take a few more and by the end of it, we're cracking up laughing and the whipped cream is getting watery and starts dropping down mine and Scott's faces.

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