Chapter 90

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Dedication: all of my beautiful, handsome, gorgeous, absolutely fabulous but self-conscious readers. This is for you ❤️

90 chapters 😭


"I just want the best for my baby," he whispers back and gently places a hand on my cheek. "I love you so much..."

"I love you too." I thread my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck before pulling him down and joining my lips to his.

And in that moment,

I felt happy.


"We don't just starve ourselves cause we think we're fat,

Sometimes we need to look as empty as we feel."


"Hi, my name is Skylar and welcome to Fangirls, fantabulousness and freaks. Today is going to be the most real video I'm ever going to make. Let's start this off with a bang and say recently, I hit rock bottom and tried to kill myself but, obviously, I'm still here. I'm just going to say here that society is fucked up.

"This society was designed to break us, to make us feel insecure. To make us hate ourselves.

"And no matter how many times we're told we're beautiful, no matter how many times we try to accept ourselves for who we are, society always brings us back down.

"We now only see our flaws - our imperfections. We see everyone else as perfect and ourselves as worthless. We need the perfect body, the perfect hair and the perfect personality to get accepted into society. No matter how much we try to be perfect, we'll always be downgraded by those who are naturally skinny and pretty girls who have everything they want.

"Even though so many people die from trying to get into this perfect image, society seems to think that it's better to add more things that have to be perfect. And it's not only girls; it's boys too.

"Body image has become such an obsession to our society that I don't know where I belong anymore....

"Girls have to be skinny, pretty, have long hair, have nice colour skin and have a big ass and boobs. Boys have to be muscular but not skinny because then they're seen as weak. Boys have to have a deep voice. Boys have to be football players. Boys can't wear glasses because that's nerdy. Boys have to be perfect too.

"We have this idea of perfection that seems so amazing when in reality, it's not. I mean, seriously, image a world where we all looked the same. Then we'd have another idea of what perfection would be. It doesn't seem human like and to be honest, I don't know what we are, because I don't think we're humans anymore.

"Humans know they are different because they have different genes and different personalities. Humans are known for having different weights and heights. Humans are known for having different hair, skin colour and sexual preferences. Humans were known for being themselves and embracing their body as it is.

"Humans understand that they all have imperfections about themselves and they don't feel like they have to hide them.

"Humans are no longer are thing. We're all just puppets waiting to play the character society wants us to.

"Like I've said before, I had- have really bad self-esteem issues and it's affected me in multiple ways. I have anxiety, depression and I don't have a lot of self-confidence. Well, I should say used to. Because I've gotten better. I mean, I still have my bad days when I don't feel like getting out of bed or leaving the house or have the sudden urge to just stop everything but it happens a lot less often than it used to.

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