Chapter 89

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Dedication: I can't stop picturing Alice and Jim's lawyer as Mr Moseby now so dedication to all of you that made that happen

I'm such a Directioner. I'm watching their music vids and crying

I started to write song oops


Wow sucky chapters lolololol wait for the epilogue though 😉😭

Ashton Irwin without a shirt on causes me pain 😊😌

So there was this guy and I thought he liked me but I found out last night he doesn't and I sorta already gained a crush?

But, like, there's this other guy and this girl that I both like but neither of them will ever happen 😔🙍🏼


"We give the custody of Miss Daniels to one Mr Hoying."


"No matter what race, gender, sexuality or age you are, a kiss means the same thing to everyone. How you reciprocate it is what matters. No, I'm not talking about the people sharing the kiss. I'm talking about anyone that just so happens to see it. Your reactions to these two people sharing this intimate sign of love, desire, reverence or greeting means more than you think it does. I'm tired of hearing the scoffs or disgusting noises. I'm sick of seeing the fake gagging motion when you see anybody kiss somebody. A kiss is important, no matter what type of person you are, because it's something that everybody shares in common. It's one thing in many other things that we share in common."- Metaphorical Closets, singforeverxo


Cheering. It's the only sound I can hear. Suddenly I'm engulfed into a hug. Shane has jumped over the barrier and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you so much," he murmurs in my ear and I wrap my arms around his neck, tears of joy coming to my eyes.

"We won?" I whisper and Shane nods excitedly. "We won. Oh my god, we won! I love you so much," I almost shout and pull Shane's head back before placing my lips on his, threading my fingers through his hair.

Our lips mould together and a billion butterflies enter my stomach, smashing against the walls, trying to get out.

Speaking out getting out - sorry -, I shyly trail my tongue across Shane's bottom lip and he almost immediately grants me access, opening his mouth wider.

I'm not gonna get into details but let me just say one thing:


Sorry, fangirl moment.

There's a loud whistle and I quickly pull away, a fierce blush on my cheeks. Shane just grins and wraps an arm around my waist as Scott, Mitch, Kirstie, Kevin and Avi rush around the barrier to get to me.

"I love you so much," they all shout and drag me into a group hug.

Not that I didn't want the hug.

"On multiple accounts of child abuse, both mental and physical, I charge Alice and Jim Lorrelies to twenty years in prison. Court dismissed." Judge Snatch orders and my mouth drops opens. Kirstie places a quick kiss on my forehead and a warm feeling enters my heart as everyone in the hug tightens their grip.

This is who I'm supposed to be surrounded by.

"This is bullshít!" I hear someone cry out and we all pull away to see Alice struggling against a few security guards. Jim justs stands there, looking at his wife with a blank face.

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