Catch Up Pt.2

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Why are these boys so fine???

Just a quick A/N.

Hey guys! I just wanted to take this time to again thank you for all your support, you guys somehow manage to put smiles on my face, I only hope by me sharing this story with you it brings you joy and a genuine smile.

But I want to apologize for one thing. And it is me not having a set updating schedule . I literally try to log in everyday after an update is posted and began typing up parts to another chapter. I want every part to be thought out and hold a meaning somewhat of the book.

So that why you get the drama you also relate to the story, so that you can take something away from it.

And while I don't update as fast as some authors I promise I would never ever go more than 2 weeks without updating ever. I wouldn't do that to you guys, since I understand what is like waiting for a person to update. This my first official book, ever, so let's just say it's hard for me to get used to adding another priority down my list of priorities. And I don't mind at all, but just be mindful of things that could possibly be going on behind the scenes .

When I am in the process of holding up my 4.0 GPA I also have a sick elderly grandma I care for 5 days a week, on top of it. I stay worrying making sure she is okay while my mom works long hours. And to make matters worse she has alzheimer's. So if I don't watch her she won't eat . Sometime I just worry if me and my mom aren't there, lord knows what will happen . So if you are ever wondering why my updates are spaced out unevenly , it's not due to me being lazy. No rather helping care for those who helped me when I needed it and support me whenever I doubt myself.

I am selfless and always have been , so I never want anyone to be unhappy if I could can help make them smile. I just want you guys to know when you see skylarrj doing something, she really means it, and she is a normal person, just trying to figure out life. Just like everyone else. And that from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate everyone putting in there time to check out my first attempt of writing.

Thanks a million. I Love you all,

The author.


Back to the update.



Zaria's Pov

I finished my first slice and took a sip of my drink. I was so focused on the game, I didn't realize someone had sat down next to me.

I heard them cough and I turned around suddenly, almost jumping in surprise.

"Well...well.well. I didn't think you actually have the balls to come to one of these games." I heard female voice say surprise I turned around only to be met by, the eyes of ..

*End Of Recap*

Still Zaria's Pov

I looked up into the blazing eyes of my arch enemy, Tracey, with her trapezoid, pterodactyl dinosaur, looking ass. Okay, why is she here, especially since her "man" ain't ever here?

I don't even know how I didn't hear her coming . But all I know I am not for it today.

I let my attitude set in but decided to just make her aware of her irrelevance before I ended busting a bitch in her mouth. I can only take so much of her bullshit. "So how about this? You don't sit here and play as though we're cool, knowing shit ain't even that sweet. Tell me why you really decided to "grace" me with the bullshit, but the insults you say, yea I heard them all before . " I said simply not even looking her way.

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