2. Distant Call

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Your eyes shot open, blinking the sleep out of your eyes. You must have fallen asleep after watching that movie last night. The TV screen was set still on Netflix, showing the Recommendations section. You sat fully up, and stretched, groaning at the stiffness in your bones. Yawning, you grabbed the TV remote and switched to the morning news. You stood up and walked to the front window, opening the blinds slightly. The sky was clear blue outside, and across the sidewalk you saw your front door neighbor walking their dog.

Ignoring the messy and flattened couch cushions, you walked towards the kitchen. Despite your stomach grumbling for food, you weren't exactly hungry. Though you might as well start the day well. Opening the food closet you snatched a box of cereal and poured some out into your bowl. Before you sat down, you quickly took your phone off its charger from the counter. As you turned on the screen you realized you had 2 missed calls from your guardians. You sighed, how could you have slept in late? 

Clicking their contact, you saw that they had left you a voicemail. Tapping it open, you listened in silence. "Hi (Y/N) , good morning! Are you doing okay? Um.. turns out our old friend is recovering, so we decided we'll be staying a little while longer to comfort them in the hospital. Oh what am I saying, that shouldn't concern you much, should it?" You gave a small snicker. "Anyways, I was prepared if this would happen, so I left you $50 in an envelope on top of the fridge in case you want to go hang out with your friends or order food. Just stay out of trouble, okay? We love you!" With that the voicemail ended.


After getting dressed, you slid the small envelope off of the fridge and put it in your pocket. You didn't have any plans today, so you decided you might as well take a small hike. Well, it wasn't exactly going to be a small  hike. Turning on your smartphone, you went through your contacts until you reached one named 'So Sorry'. So Sorry was a friend of yours, a monster too. You had met each other through an art-sharing social media website. His art seemed very fascinating to you, and you both eventually discovered that you didn't live very far from each other. He took art classes downtown, and you tended to pass by that place often when you walked to school. You both had grown as good friends, constantly teaching each other drawing tips from time to time.

Suddenly you could hear muffling from the other side of the phone. "Good morning, So Sorry." You greeted kindly. "Oh- U-um, hi (Y/N)! How ya doing?" He asked hesitantly.  "I'm good, but hey... I have something to ask you." There was a moment of silence before he responded. "O-Okay, what is it?" You looked out the window before continuing.

"Is there a certain path I can take up Mt. Ebott?"

You could hear So Sorry breathing nervously into his phone mic.

"W-Well, I do know a path that leads straight to where the barrier used to be. I don't know if it's blocked off or anything though..." 

"That's fine, can you tell me where I can find it?"


The map So Sorry gave you for the path didn't seem too complicated. It wasn't far from a hiking trail in the forest near Mt. Ebott. But that didn't really concern you. You didn't live far from Mt. Ebott, it was only about an hour drive to the forest surrounding it. Lucky for you though, the path up the barrier wasn't blocked off yet. But the climb was sure steep, and you slipped several times over a few rocks. 

By the time you could finally see the barrier in the distance though, it was already mid-day. You didn't plan to stay long anyway, so that wasn't very important. The barrier was actually very close along the cliff-side of the mountain, and at one moment when you had finally reached the top, you looked out at the view. It was beautiful, you could see everything; the forest, the cities, towns, other mountains, the beach; everything. Your breathed in a quick sigh; you loved your home. It was so calm here, what more could you ask for?

You turned around, facing the barrier once again. As you walked closer and closer towards it, your heart started to race in your chest.  Never before had you been so close to Mt. Ebott, especially its barrier. You remembered the legend about those who climbed the mountain never came back, but that was obviously because there was no way to escape the Underground. But now there was, and you were standing right at the exit, or in this case, a new entrance. You hesitated for a second and your breathing hitched slightly.

"Hello? Anyone here?" You called out into the darkness of the opening. There was no response, only the slight echo of your own voice. You slowly stepped into the cavern, peeking into the silence. You suddenly felt a slight tugging sensation in your chest, as if something was pulling you deeper into the darkness. This bothered you slightly, so you took precise caution as you took slow steps into the dark litted- cavern.

The White Demon (Chara X Reader Undertale) |EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now