8. ...?

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Hmm... what's this? 

A human..?


Suspicious... it's not Frisk.

Yet... they have determination of some sort. Interesting... 

But what are they seeking? Haven't they heard the myths of this place? Do they not realize the danger they are in?

They seem to be working alongside someone. What are they doing? They have no business whatsoever here. This place is abandoned and forgotten. 


Quite curious, I see. Their soul is strange... what is this feeling they possess?

Frisk had it aswell, but this isn't them. 

How is this so? 



Perhaps they are seeking something they can't see. But what?

Their soul is filled with this determination... the determination of something I cannot understand.

What are you seeking, human?


Are you seeking me?


A/N: It's short, I know; but it's supposed to be. Well hey, at least I uploaded two chapters in one day!! 

The White Demon (Chara X Reader Undertale) |EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now