11. Closer

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A/N: I'm struggling so hard in life right now, but I can't give up just yet. As Asgore says, we all have to stay determined !! Your votes, reads, and especially comments help me push forward!!


For 3 days straight you've been going into the Underground to visit Chara. Your guardians had finally come back home, so sometimes you'd have to make up an excuse saying you were going over to a friend's house. Well, you technically were since Chara's "home" is the Underground. For now at least. Yours and Frisk's plan to befriend Chara was working; they were slowly starting to accept your company. At first, they would tell you that you shouldn't be coming back, but of course, you rebelled and did so anyways. Eventually you both got along pretty well, agreeing on almost everything you told each other, even though you had alot of differences.

Right now, you were walking through the Throne Room, approaching the Judgement Hall once again. Stepping into the long corridor, you were slightly surprised to see Chara leaning against one of the pillars. Usually you would have to call out to them for them to reveal themselves, but apparently they seemed to already be waiting for you. 

"Hi Chara.", you said as you approached them. "Hey.", they replied, pushing themself off the pillar and walking towards you. You expected them to say "Greetings", like they always do. You felt like something about them was a little off today, but you didn't know what. "So, I've been thinking...", before you asked, you and Chara walked side by side down the corridor and into the rest of Asgore's Castle. The both of you constantly did this; walking throughout the Underground whilst talking about who knows what. It was almost like a thing you just had  to do now. 

"What was it like to take control of Frisk's soul?", you asked. Chara snickered a little before answering. "Fun! Being able to kill everyone was great, especially since Frisk always Reset over, and over. Every Reset just meant another timeline of fun for me." Although Chara had a somewhat 'sick' sense of humor, they were actually pretty funny sometimes. You just had to get on their not-so-dark side. "Of course, Frisk wouldn't give up trying to leave my control, which just made it all the more entertaining. But eventually, as they've probably already told you, they somehow broke away. I don't know exactly how that happened, my guess was because of their determination." Looking over to you, they said: "Your determination was just as strong, which is why I'm still even here." You looked back at them, giving a small smile. 

"Well, why didn't you go to the surface?", you asked. "I didn't want to go back with humanity. I'd rather stay here to fade.", Chara sighed. "My life whilst on the surface was terrible, so even if someone like Frisk tried to be there for me, it wouldn't work. I don't have a soul; so I can't feel emotion." The fact that Chara couldn't feel emotion made you feel bad slightly. Well, besides the fact that they wanted a soul to be able to inflict damage to others; it wasn't really their fault. They couldn't feel anything, they didn't really care if someone is hurt because of them.

The both of you kept making your way throughout Asgore's Castle and the rest of the Underground, talking about things you wished you could both change or reverse. Sometimes they would ask you what life was like on the surface, and they weren't very surprised as of how much has already changed. And once in a while, you would both compare life on the surface now to how it was back then during Chara's age. Bit by bit, you eventually learned most of Chara's backstory. Boy was it easy to relate to.

Eventually, you had to return back to the surface and Chara followed you back through the Underground. Once you both finally reached the Judgement Hall, you stopped walking and looked at Chara. "I'll see you tomorrow maybe?", you asked with a smile. "Sure. Oh, and um... bring chocolate.", they replied with a smile. You nodded, giggling a little. You both said your goodbyes and you faced forward, making your way down the corridor and into the Throne Room. Chara never went beyond the Judgement Hall, the last two rooms you always went by yourself. But it didn't really matter, at least they bothered to talk to you.


Chara's P.O.V

I watched (Y/N) turn the corner and into the Throne Room. Honestly, I'm surprised how determined (Y/N) really is. At first I thought [he/she] was just like Frisk; trying to Save me when I didn't want to be. But I suppose I was incorrect.

(Y/N) has the same kind of determination and feelings, but I didn't expect [him/her] to have a similar view on humanity as me. It's been a while since I've ever spoke about my opinion of anything. I suppose [he/she]'s not that bad. For a human, I mean.

I suppose I just didn't want [his/her] company, but by the second day [he/she] came here, I was planning on taking [his/her] soul somehow. That plan turned out to be invalid, since Frisk is the only human who could Reset and kill everyone. 

I enjoy [his/her] company, I suppose. [He/She] saved me from fading anyhow. I'm not sure if [he/she] is planning on convincing me to go to the Surface, but if [he/she] is, there is no way in hell  that I am.

Ah, (Y/N), if only you existed when I was living with humanity. You might have just saved my life.


A/N: Okay so this was supposed to be uploaded yesterday, but I got lazy cuz I was watching an anime with my friend. Anyhow, I found a puppy outside and I've been taking care of him for 5 hours going house to house to see if he belonged to anyone and he didn't so far. (I even got bit in the leg by someone's chihuahua and now it's swollen ughh...) I can't keep him; my two dogs are too aggressive. I can't have him inside because my parents don't want animals in the house. And he's so loud but cute and small... he's only 2 - 4 months old I suppose. I guess I'll have to put out flyers, if no one calls then I'll have to offer him to some friends. If they don't accept I don't know from there; there is no way I'm taking him to a shelter or pound though. Wish me luck... (~=n=)~

The White Demon (Chara X Reader Undertale) |EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now