47. To Impress Only You

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A/N: *consumes 69 energy drinks* yES! I can feel the determination in my blood flow!! Now I can write for hours! *sits on the couch and falls asleep*


You could hear your family members chatter from the living room. Even though your room door was closed, all the voices were loud enough to be heard, barely being muffled. You were laying on your bed, switching between channels on your TV in boredom. Chara was sitting up next to you, examining the back of your shirt. Neither of you knew what to do, especially since you were basically trapped inside your room. Your vision became weary, so you decided to let your eyes rest for a few moments.

"Damn look at that booty.", Chara's voice suddenly caught your attention, making your eyes snap open. "What?", you said somewhat nervously, more confused, but not bothering to turn around and face them. Were they talking about your  booty? "Um.", you managed to say after realizing they went silent. "Not you, the TV commercial.", Chara snickered. You glanced up at the television screen to see a commercial for a pirate themed amusement park. "Oh! For a second I thought-" 

"I was talking about you? Pssh.", Chara interrupted, chuckling afterwards nervously. You both fell under awkward silence as you continued to watch the TV. Suddenly your phone notification sound rang, and you snatched it off your night stand. Noticing you had received a text message from Frisk, you unlocked your phone and opened said message:

" So are you two getting it on? ;D "

You looked up from your phone smiling to yourself; what a coincidence Frisk had to text you that just now. Looking back down at your phone, you typed: " Are you stalking me? ". A few moments passed until Frisk simply texted back "No." At that moment you knew they were typing something else, but decided to delete it. You could barely hold yourself back from laughter. That's when Chara managed to glance over your shoulder and look at your phone screen. They sat there silently looking at your text messages until they decided to speak up. "That's Frisk right?"

You immediately froze at their question. Well, they did know you two were friends, so hopefully they wouldn't mind? "Yeah.", you admitted. "May I talk to them for a few moments?", Chara asked firmly. Your heart began to pound in your chest, but you did your best to hide it with a simple "Sure." Handing them your phone, you began to feel nervous as of what they were going to do. But it is your phone, you can check what they texted when they're done. Hopefully. Chara examined the screen for a few moments before having the following conversation with them:

"Greetings Frisk, it's been a while hasn't it?"



"Is this a prank?"


"Oh. Well hi"

"How've you been, partner?"

"Good, you?"

"I've been doing fine."

"How do you like the surface?"

"Mixed feelings I suppose."

"With (Y/N) with you it should be fun, right?"


"Are things getting pretty frisky? ;) "

"Can you not?"

"Alright, alright! But lemme tell you a pick-up line."


"If you thought Disneyland was the happiest place on earth, you haven't been in my pants yet!"

"^ Tell that to (Y/N)."

"Frisk when will you learn?"


"I'm done."

"Here.", Chara said whilst handing you back your phone. You were about to read the messages until you heard one of your guardians call you. Groaning, you sat up and fixed your clothes as you opened your bedroom door and walked out towards the living room.


Throughout the day Frisk would constantly text you puns or jokes that Sans had taught them, and even some seductive ones they had come up with themself. They kept telling you to say those to Chara, in which honestly you wanted to, but you kept refusing. Eventually though, they dared you to at least try on Chara's clothes and see their reaction. But you were confused as of how you would get their clothes in the first place. Luckily, your guardians would be out getting groceries with your relative for an hour and Chara decided to take a shower. Since they had nothing better to do.

Frisk suggested that you'd snatch their clothes while they were in the shower, and you gladly agreed. It was 7 PM, and it has been 5 minutes since Chara had stepped into the bathroom. Pressing your ear against the bathroom door, you could hear the water running, so you decided to make your move. Opening the door ever so slightly, you quickly snatched their clothes sitting next to the sink. Thankfully they didn't notice, but you were slightly disappointed that you couldn't see at least their bare chest.

Walking back to your room, you excitedly clothed yourself in their usual outfit. Straightening the collar of the green long sleeve, you stood in front of your mirror. You'd have to admit, it did look pretty well on you. Or perhaps you thought so because Chara looked good in it. You'd just have to wait for their opinion. As you sat at the foot of your bed, eagerly waiting, you realized your demon friend would have no clothes to put on. You slightly blushed at the thought, but shook it away as you grabbed one of Chara's other outfits.

Walking to the bathroom, you once again carefully opened the door a little bit and placed the clothes near the sink. Closing the door and heading back into your room, you laid atop your bed sheets. You couldn't help but smile to yourself as you waited patiently for Chara to get out of the shower. After what seemed like 10 minutes, you heard the bathroom door open. You were currently in the living room, fixing the DVD cassettes in place. You didn't have time to prepare yourself or do anything at all as Chara suddenly came into view. Looking to your right and standing up, you made eye contact with them.

"Very funny (Y/N).", they said firmly, but the smile on their face showed humor. "How do I look?", you asked, eagerly awaiting their answer. Chara approached you and eyed your form inch by inch. You smiled at the curiosity in their eyes, in which you could already tell what they were thinking. "To be honest,", they cut off as they suddenly brought your body close to theirs. They hugged you, nuzzling their face against your neck, their warm breath tickling you. "You look cuter this way.", they finished quietly into your ear.

The White Demon (Chara X Reader Undertale) |EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now