38. By Your Side

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Lies- Jane XO


!! (The song's actual meaning is referring to an underestimated lover, but the beat and words are just really well for this chapter!) !! 


A/N: The featured song above was actually going to be for Chapter 26 but plans changed because yes!

(EX/N) means Ex-Friend's Name!

(It could also refer to an ex-lover, that works too!)

I deeply apologize if your ex-friend's name is used in the wrong manner for this chapter, but if you'd like, it'd be easier to just imagine (EX/N) as someone you hate being around.


Stepping over a bump in the pavement, you continued to make your way out of school grounds to head home. Chara was visible walking right next to you, and a few feet from both of you were other students heading out the gates. People were scattered everywhere; some standing to the side of the crowd looking at their phones or talking to other students. You and Chara were both silent, not really knowing what to talk about.

Suddenly, you felt something brush lightly against your rump. Out of instinct, you gasped and turned around, only to find your ex friend (EX/N) walking away from you whilst still facing you. You knew it was (him/her) who just touched you, which got you quite angry. You have (him/her) an annoyed expression, watching (him/her) as (he/she) walked back into the crowd of other students. "Who's that?", Chara suddenly asked. "(EX/N).", you sighed. For a moment you wanted to explain to them why you and (EX/N) weren't close anymore, but you've been trying to put that story behind you for a long time already.

"Something tells me that's not the last time we're gonna see (him/her).", Chara stated firmly as you continued to make your way towards the gates. You found yourself looking at the floor as you walked, and you didn't realize that until you could sense Chara's gaze on you. "What's wrong?", they asked, making you look back at them. "Nothing, it's just (EX/N) always-"

"(Y/N)! Hey!"

The sharp tone of voice made you and Chara turn around to face whoever called you. Several feet from you stood (EX/N), a smirk visible on (his/her) face. Behind (him/her) stood Arco and Toi, along with 2 other of the group members that you didn't know the names of. You flinched as they were all staring at you as Arco whispered something into (EX/N)'s ear. (EX/N) looked back at him and Toi for a few heartbeats before looking back at you. 

(He/She) began to approach you, a fake smile on (his/her) face. "It's been so long since we've last talked!", (he/she) laughed as (he/she) kept making (his/her) way towards you. You flinched at the devilish smile on (his/her) face, but you stood your ground. You tried to remind yourself that Chara was right next to you, but it was still 2 against 5. (He/She) finally reached your form and wrapped (his/her) arm around your shoulder, moving Chara away from you. "How ya been?", (he/she) asked, (his/her) breath being uncomfortably close to your face. "(EX/N) leave me alone.", you said firmly.

"Oh? Of course! But you cant be alone with someone following your every step.", (he/she) said, shooting a deadly glance at Chara. "C'mon, I've got something to show you. Just you and me.", (he/she) said whilst grabbing your arm. (He/She) began to pull you forward, and you tried to squirm away from (his/her) grasp, but (he/she) was much stronger. (His/Her) hold was so strong it actually began to hurt. "(EX/N) let go!", you said frustrated. "Stop resisting god dammit!", (he/she) hissed, pulling (his/her) body close to yours to drag you by your shoulders now.

The White Demon (Chara X Reader Undertale) |EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now