So I'm really tired..

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Okay so you guys can skip over this if you want but its kind of important...

first off I'm really sorry for all these personal updates, after this they're going to stop.

Okay so I'm staying with my mom right know away from home and shes on crutches and in a wheel chair but I have to do everything for her and my moms been drinking and partying as well.. Last night I got woken up 4 times around the time 4-9am to screaming and yelling and fighting and punching. Honestly, its been this way all my life. But its getting to me.

And I don't think I can deal with all of it right now its just extremely stressful and I'm so tired.

I don't know but I might be taking a break from writing and I don't want to upset anyone or anything I just cant handle it all... I'm always so positive like "its okay! you guys can talk to me if you're depressed or self conscious" and honestly I give really good advice but I don't take my own advice..

So yes, right now I am depressed. I'm tired, strained and anxious. My anxiety is getting worse to the point that if there's a thunderstorm i'll have a panic attack and cry..

I just really need a break

and I want your guys's opinion.. Is it okay if I take a break from writing for a little while?

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