Broken Doors

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"Spencer, are you busy?" You asked your best friend, praying to God that he wasn't. It was a Friday night and you knew he didn't have a case so that meant he'd more than likely be at home.

Spencer glanced at the young woman he'd met two weeks ago in the book store, holding the cell close to his ear.

"What's wrong Y/N?"

"I' I'm locked in my bathroom. And I can't get out."

Spencer's brow furrowed and he mouthed to his date 'excuse me', removing himself from the table and walking into the foyer of the restaurant where they'd been eating.

"How the hell are you locked in your bathroom?" he asked.

"Well, I was taking a bath and then when I was done I went to open the door, and the knob came off in my hand. But it's somehow caused the locking mechanism to jam and I'm stuck. You still have my spare key. I need your help! Please... "

Spencer sighed internally. The date hadn't exactly been leading to the bedroom but it also hadn't been going badly. The girl was nice and they got on well together. They'd just finished their first course and were idly chatting as they waited for their mains to arrive.

But he couldn't leave his friend trapped, he wasn't like that. You were his best female friend and he'd never abandon you in your time of need.

"Give me thirty minutes. I'm across town," he told you.

"You're not at home? Where are you?" You were surprised to discover that he wasn't in his apartment two floors below yours. If he'd gone out with his team, you normally got invited to tag along and you hadn't been.

"It doesn't matter, I'll be there in a while."

Reid disconnected the call and went to make his excuses, a family emergency he'd say.


Forty minutes later and you heard your front door opening.

"Y/N....?" Spencer's voice called out.

"I'm in the bathroom.... Still" you were cold and fed up. The one time you hadn't bought your pj's in with you, which meant you'd been sat on the lid of your toilet in just two towels playing candy crush on your phone to kill time.

You could hear him mumbling to himself as he came closer to the door, fiddling with the door knob on the other side.

"I still don't understand how you managed to pull the handle off, Y/N."

"Neither do I. Maybe I have some sort of inhuman strength. Now can you let me out please."

"Erm...." he jiggled the door again.

"Erm? You're an FBI Agent, don't they train you to kick doors down?"

"Morgan does all of the door kicking."

"Well.... Get your gun and shoot out the hinges then," you'd seen that done in movies, it would work right?

"Y/N do you have any idea how much paperwork would be involved if I were to discharge my firearm. Not to imagine the fact that someone in the building would probably call the cops. Do you have a screwdriver?" he sounded annoyed.

"Somewhere. Wait, I think it's in my beside drawer"

"Which side?" Spencer asked.

You closed your eyes to think and then cringed. "The side you definitely don't want to go in."

"Why don't I want to.... Wait, never mind."

You stifled a laugh imagining the uncomfortable look upon his face.

"Don't you have a screwdriver?" You knew the answer already but maybe he'd picked up one.

"Yes because I'm definitely the type that spends their weekends doing DIY."

"Alright, alright. Spencer?"


"I'm cold... And hungry." You were and you really wanted to get out of this room

"Okay... Where do you keep your bobby pins? I know you have because I keep finding them in my apartment whenever you've been round."

"Top of my dresser in a the little ceramic pot with the cat on it" so that was where your bobby pins kept disappearing to. You heard footsteps as Spencer moved into your bedroom, returning moments later.

A creaking noise came from the door, then the sounds of metal being pushed against metal. Then a loud click and with a twist of the knob on Spencer's side, the door swung open.

"I'm free!" You quickly hugged your rescuer tightly, forgetting that you were clad only in a towel.

He hugged you awkwardly, not knowing where to quite put his hands.

"Thank you thank you thank you!"

"You're welcome. I'll call Morgan tomorrow and see if he can come and replace the handle for you. Don't close it properly until he does. Now, go and get dressed. I'm ordering Chinese which you're paying for seeing as you owe me."

"I guess I do. Where were you anyway?"

A flush crept up Spencer's neck and he scratched the back of his head with his hand. "I was.... kinda on a date."

Spencer....On a date?

"Why the hell didn't you tell me. I could have waited." You probably could have waited. Maybe.

He just shrugged.

"Are you seeing her again?"

"I don't know. Running out mid meal to go and rescue another woman doesn't really give the best impression does it?"

"Or, it actually gives the BEST impression, that you're some kind of hero."

"Well... We'll see."

"Okay. Well, order my usual and I'll be back once I've reacquainted myself with my pj's."

You scurried off into your bedroom, a strange feeling inside of you.

Part of you was for some reason extremely pleased that you'd interrupted his date.


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