Drabble Prompts: Are You... Jealous?

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You wandered back from the bar, a free pitcher of beer in your hand. Plonking it on the table you grinned at the others.

"Courtesy of the lovely Jacob behind the bar.... "

You'd spent the last ten minutes flirting with him and making a big show of taking his number, not that you had any intention of using it. You just enjoyed flirting.

"You know, the way you flirt is just shameful,"  Spencer commented, his usual cheery demeanor gone.

"It's just a bit of fun!" you exclaimed, wondering who'd crawled into his ass and pissed him off. Penelope and Emily nodded along with you, refilling their glasses.

"To you maybe. What about the poor saps you're leading on?"

"I don't lead anyone on. I tell people I have a boyfriend even though I don't. It's not my fault they still push their numbers onto me. When you think about it, they're the ones in the wrong," you were appalled at Spencer's attitude towards you all of a sudden.

"They wouldn't push them onto you if you didn't show so willing to take them."

"Spencer! What the hell is wrong with you tonight?"

"Oh just ignore him Kitty Cat, " Derek gave his colleague a sharp nudge. "He's probably just jealous or something."

"Pffft,"  both you and Reid scoffed although he did at least shut up.

You and the girls went off to dance, deciding to leave the bar at around one.

"You two gonna share a cab?" Derek glanced over to you and Reid. You both lived quite close to each other, over the opposite side of town to the others. It was handy, meaning you often had someone to carpool with and to occasionally have someone nearby to hang out with at the weekends.

"As long as he doesn't accuse me of flirting with the cab driver."

Reid flushed slightly at your dig, looking mildly uncomfortable. You'd been so taken back by his comments earlier. It was so unlike the kind and sweet man you'd come to call your friend. When you'd first met him, you'd been stunned by how handsome he was too, quickly realising that flirting was not something he took to1. Which was a shame, you'd have very much liked to flirt with him, one of the few people you could have seen it actually leading somewhere with. You'd pushed that fleeting thought to the back of your head pretty fast. Spencer didn't date. In fact, no one on the team was 100 percent sure what Spencer's deal actually was.

Derek hopped into the first cab with Garcia and Emily, Garcia being a little worse for the wear. When you were left alone with Reid, an uncomfortable silence descended over you. When ten minutes had passed by and you hadn't spotted another cab you took your cell out and decided to take matters into your own hands.

"Fuck this, I'm ordering an Uber," you loaded up the app and started tapping in the details, walking up the street slightly away from the bar. You rested your back against a store front as you finished your order, Spencer in front of you.

"You didn't have to do that, it'll probably cost double the amount at this time of night."

"Just over double actually. But I just wanna go home. It should only be another five minutes."

He nodded, sticking his hands in his pockets and shuffling his feet awkwardly.

"What was up with you earlier anyway?"

"What, when?" Spencer pulled a face, feigning ignorance.

"Earlier? Your snarky attitude towards towards me for having a harmless flirt. Christ Spencer, for a second I actually considered Derek's suggestion that you were jealous."

Reid bit his lip and a flush covered his cheeks, his hands being shoved deeper into his pockets. The unthinkable suddenly crossed your mind.

"Wait, were you jealous?"


"Oh my God... You were!"

"No I wasn't!"

And denile was just a river in Egypt. Every little bit of his body language right now was telling you that you were right.

"Yes, you were. Derek was right."

"No he isn't."

"Spencer come on... Admit it, it all kinda makes sense now."

"There's nothing to admit, shut up!"

You licked your lips and stepped closer to him, more sure than ever about this.

"Make me."


"You heard. You were jealous earlier and there's a reason for it. You won't admit it and you want me to shut up about it. So make me shut up ."

Either way this went you were quite sure you were going to get the answer you wanted.

And seconds later after seeing conflict cross Spencer's face, you had the answer.

Soft lips crushed against yours and you were moved back against the wall, his body pinned against yours. You reached up and tangled your fingers into his hair, feeling his tongue flick out and requesting access. Lips parted and tongues met, the taste of alcohol in both of your mouths. And although it was the alcohol that had made this interaction possible, you knew that it wasn't happening because you were drunk. You wanted him and he wanted you.   After a few frenzied minutes he pulled back, almost breathless. You didn't release him from you though, holding his head close to yours.

"Admit it... " you breathed.

"I was jealous, I'm sorry."

A grin broke over your lips, "You really don't need to be. You could have just said something to me..."

"I didn't know how to," his hazel eyes gazed into yours and you pressed your lips to his once more, this time more sweetly.


You broke apart seeing a car pulled up to the curb as your cell started to vibrate. Your ride was here. Spencer held the door open for you and you both slid in, buckling up.

"I have down two drops, is that right?" the driver glanced into his mirror and stole a look at Reid.

Reaching across the seat you took Spencer's hand and squeezed it.

"No, just the one please."

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