05 Party Talk (Present)

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Hikari told Yui with fervor about the Wakamino concert at which she had been with Ayumi and Yuna. The blonde listened attentively to her, smiled and nodded over and again. She would have loved to experience the band live once. The possibility seemed to be within reach by now.

She looked at her sister, who was talking to Nisha. Apparently this new friend was a classmate and class representative. It surprised Yui that Yuna would befriend herself with a 'nerd'. Often enough, the blue-haired girl had mocked her own sister as a swot. Perhaps that was her new life. Perhaps she really wanted to achieve something and make something out of herself. Maybe she wanted to honor the memory of her family like this.

"Are you listening to me at all?"

Yui winced and looked back at her interlocutor. "Sorry ..."

"Oh man." Hikari also glanced over at Nisha and Yuna. Her eyes narrowed. "The teacher's darling is very annoying."

"How so?"

"She's taking away my best friend. The two were suddenly totally close. I don't understand that." Frustrated, the black-haired squeezed her drink can.

"Well. She may have more than one friend, can't she?"

"Yeah ..." the black-haired admitted.

"You still have me."

"Luckily. With you I can at least talk about decent music."

Yui chuckled. "Hi hi. Thanks."

"Are you going to school tomorrow?"

Shrugging, the middle-school student answered, "I guess. I don't know exactly yet. Yuna hadn't mentioned anything so far."

"Are you doing okay?" Hikari looked at the blonde worried.

"What do you mean?"

"Well ... your family. Yoshiro."

A shadow lay down on the younger's face. "It's difficult."

"I'm sorry. I didn't want ... if you need anything, I'll be there for you."

The middle school student hugged the black-haired girl. "Thank you."

Hikari smiled and pressed Yui tightly to her. "Don't mention it."

"Wada-san just gives me no chance. That frustrates me," Nisha admitted. Yuna had met her as Neko Hengeyōkai, but among human beings she retained her human form.

"She's a bitch. Don't worry about her. Now that Yui is back, she may be a little less fixed on me."

The cat girl looked at the blue-haired thoughtfully. "Were you able to make peace?"

"More or less. At school, we're cool. She's always getting on my nerves because she wants to meet Wataru."

The man mentioned appeared next to them and handed his girlfriend a vanilla cola. "Here."

"Thank you, Wata."

"How about a kiss?"

Nisha chuckled. "Exciting."

"I dare you! Not in front of Hikari," Yuna snapped.

"You still didn't tell her?" The young man shook his head, his shoulder-length hair flapping around, then he ran his right hand through his mane, as he often did.

"It's not that easy." She glanced at her best friend, who chose that moment to look at her. For a moment they stared at each other, then Hikari looked away again.

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