27 The Wake (Past)

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Ayumi sucked at her cigarette as she looked down at the reporters. Next to her, Kyo leaned and smoked as well. She tapped off the ashes and looked at the glowing tip.

"Who would have thought that you would become a policeman? You've always been such a delinquent." She grinned at him.

He tapped the badge on his collar. "Not just some policeman."

"Oh, just say you're part of the deployment police. Do you want to make a career?"

Chuckling, he replied, "I am the police chief."

Giggling, Ayumi raised her hand to her mouth so she would not laugh. "Oh, excuse me, Mr. police chief. I didn't recognize that."

Watanabe-san made a sour grimace. "No. Seriously. I'm the police chief."

"Kyo-kun. You're way too young. No one believes you."

"Fine. Then don't believe me. What are you doing here?"

Ayumi tapped off some ashes. "The blue-haired. She's my friend."

"Who is she?" He inhaled deeply.

"Yuna Masuda."

He glanced at his conversation partner. "The Takagi heiress?"


"Wow. Interesting friends you have there. So in general."

The young woman looked at him and took another breath from her cigarette. "You too. You know the Oni?"

"Yes. That's why I got this post." When he noticed her curious look, he quickly turned his away. "I can't talk about it. I'm sorry."

"It's all right. How is Ryou?" she asked.

"Quite well. He will get married in September."

"Hm. Nice."

"Can you imagine that? My little brother getting married?" Smiling, he shook his head.

"He wanted to marry me. Somehow he was always totally fixed on that." She put the filter between her lips and inhaled more smoke.

"A real romantic. Through and through." Kyo also inhaled the smoke of his cigarette.

The redhead chuckled. "I hated that part of him."

He peered over at her. "Not true."

"Really. I have no use for this romance shit."

Smiling, the man released the air from his lungs. "I wouldn't have thought that. I always thought you were the perfect woman."

Her white teeth flashed. "Are you flirting with me? With the ex of your brother?"

"I didn't say perfect for myself. Just ... no idea. Forget it."

She turned to him. "No, tell me."

He shrugged. "I don't know, Ayumi-chan. I always thought that you were very feminine. Somehow I expect such a woman to be romantic."

"It's so stereotypical." She breathed the smoke again. "Shouldn't you think outside the box as a 'police chief'?"

"Quite possible. Fortunately, I'm still able to learn."

"I hope for you, or else I see little chance for your climb to the top."

Some people were left through by the policemen and climbed the stairs. Kyo squeezed out his cigarette, threw it away in the smoker's box and turned to the young woman again.

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