109 After School Talk (Present)

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"Rin. I'm sorry!" Yuna insisted after the training as she followed her to the dressing room.

"It's all right. You can't be blamed if I'm careless."

"Nevertheless. I made you look bad in front of Niimura-senpai and the Sensei. I'm really sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Maybe I got a little cocky." Grinning, Rin rubbed her sweaty hair. "Did you have some fun?"

Yuna thought for a moment, then nodded, smiling. "Yes. Somehow I really missed it."

"I told you. Then you come to training on Wednesday?"

The blue-haired girl rolled her eyes upward as she thought. "I guess so. If nothing comes up."

Rin raised an eyebrow. "What could come up?"

Yukiko's face flashed in her mind, and she squinted. "Oh... you never know."

"What do you think of Aizawa?" the spectacle wearer asked as she pushed open the locker room door.

"Isn't that obvious? I can't stand her."

"Is there a reason? Except that she's flirting like crazy with Wada-san?"

"I'm jealous of her hair color?"

Incredulous, Rin blinked at her friend. "Seriously?" As Yuna raised an eyebrow, she had to laugh. "All right. I was wondering."

"I just feel bad about her," the blue-haired girl admitted.

Nodding, Rin replied, "I feel the same way. Something's wrong with her." She added something in her thoughts, but she didn't want to say it.

Outside of the school grounds, their ways parted. Yuna went straight to the pension. Sporadically, she looked around, but she couldn't find her enemy anywhere. She was convinced that Yukiko wouldn't give up. She was lurking somewhere for an opportunity.

As she strolled home, she pulled out her phone and checked her messages. She thought twice about writing Hikari - just to make sure she didn't hang out with Yukiko.

"Yuna Masuda," it sounded from a side street, and alarmed, the girl jumped. She stared at the person who was examining her with two red-glowing eyes.

"Who are you?" The oni appeared in a completely human shape. Only the eyes betrayed him. His right hand moved to his left little finger, which lacked two limbs.

"My name is Kimura. I was told that you have a problem."

Yuna looked at him suspiciously, then checked her surroundings before she went to him into the alley. "Who sends you?"

"A mutual friend. What is the problem?"

"Listen, Kimura-san. I don't want to be a burden to Narusegawa-san. I'll fix this myself."

A deep chuckle sounded from him. "Apparently not, otherwise I wouldn't be here."

"Kenji has interfered once before and only made it worse."

Kimura's eyes narrowed. "Tanaka? The sheriff?"

"Who else?" Yuna rolled her eyes incredulously. "I'll take care of Yukiko myself."

"What Yukiko?"

"That doesn't concern you. Stay out of it!" The girl started to turn away, but the man's right hand shot up and grabbed her upper arm. She flinched briefly, but then her instincts took over. "Let me go!"

"Listen carefully, girl. Tanaka is just a clown who shoos beasts around. If there are real problems, I will be there. Who is this Yukiko? An oni? A human?"

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