22 Shared Sorrow (Present)

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After her friends had left, Yui stood uncertainly in front of her room door. Should she knock, to not surprise her sister, or leave her alone? She actually wanted to do her homework, and her books were in the room, but she didn't want to annoy Yuna.

On the previous day and also this morning she had noticed how tense her sister was. There was something putting a lot of pressure on her, but Yui didn't know if she could help her with that.

The blonde was about to knock on the door as Wataru stepped out of his room.

"Is she still in there?" he asked.

The middle-school girl nodded. "Yes."

"Are you afraid to go in?" A crooked grin accompanied the question.

The purple eyes closed for a few seconds. "I don't want to disturb and even more annoy her."

The young musician stepped beside her. "Don't worry about that."

"I just don't get her. Before the disaster we blindly understood each other, but now she has become so inaccessible. It's like she's a completely different person."

"Hm ..." Wataru was silent for a moment, thinking about these words. He remembered the instructions Yuna had given him and Ayumi when it became clear that Yui was going to move in.

"Please, sit down." Yuna pointed to the chairs in her room.

Ayumi and Wataru looked at each other, then the young man asked, "Where do you sit?"

The roommate looked attentively at her young friend. The high-school girl had a thick eye ring, and she looked sick and tired. "Blue, have you ever slept in the last days? You look terrifying." The redhead had an expression of deep concern on her face.

"I'm fine. I'm just stressed." The blue-haired looked at her boyfriend. "I stand. Sit down, Wata. You too, Ayumi-san." The two followed her request and sat down at the table. Then they turned their attention to the girl.

Yuna plucked at her eye patch, as she was trying to get used to it. Although it was handy because it could be put on and taken off quickly, she was sometimes worried that the patch would slip and one could see her eye.

In the meantime the oni-eye had grown even more and filled almost the whole eye socket. She had consulted Kitsune about this, but he couldn't really help her. In his opinion, she should ignore it as long as it didn't bother her. Under certain circumstances this eye could even completely replace her old one. Already, she could perceive blurry images.

The girl cleared her throat. "Well ... as you know my sister will be released in a few weeks." Both listeners nodded. "I'd like to let her live here. With me."

"This is not an issue," said Wataru.

Ayumi gave him a warning look. "I wouldn't be so sure. I think that according to the house rules only one inhabitant per room would be allowed, and we have no free rooms anymore."

"Come on. Are you serious?" The young man looked at her incredulously.

"I didn't make the rules. I'm not quite sure either." The hostess squinted to her neighbor. "You should check this out."

"I'll take care of it," Yuna decided. "I wanted to talk about something else with you."

"What's on your mind, Blue?"

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