128 Loss of Control (Present)

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"Wow, that was a great rehearsal," thought Wataru as he got off his bike in front of the pension. Quickly, he opened the door, went in, stowed his bike and then climbed the stairs. He looked briefly for his older roommate.

Ayumi-chan isn't here. Typical.

Grinning, he went on, because he could already imagine what she was doing or with whom she was doing it. She had told him that she met regularly with someone. He glanced in the room of the Masuda girls as he passed, but they were both not here. Amazed, he pulled out his cell phone. It was in the middle of the night. Where could they be?

Shrugging, he went to his room, the door of which was closed. He opened it, switched on the light and entered the room. He flinched and sucked in a breath as he spotted Yuna cowering on the floor in front of his window, her forehead resting on her hands. Carefully, he deposited his guitar case.

"Yuna-chan. What are you doing here?" When she didn't respond, he stepped to her and dropped to his knees before her. "Hey, are you all right?" He noticed her strange choice of clothes. "Honey?" He hesitantly touched her shoulder.

The girl startled and looked at him, panting, eyes wide open.

"Hey, calm down." He raised his hands defensively. "You look awful." His eyes slid over her reddened eyes. "Is everything all right?"

"Hikari is dead," the blue-haired girl wailed as she looked down.

"Shit..." He stroked the stubble on his face. "Did she...?"

"NO!" yelled Yuna. Her pupils twitched because she couldn't focus properly. "She would never have done that!"

"She had already tried. What happened?"

"I killed her," the high-school student sobbed, causing fresh tears to flow. Since she had come home, she had cried so much that she actually expected to have no more tears. But they kept flowing. She clapped her hands over her face.

"Hey. Nonsense. You would never do that. What happened?"

"She died because of me..."

Nervously, the young man licked his lips. "Where is Yui? Does she know about this?"

"In the hospital."

"Tell me what happened, Yuna-chan."

The girl wiped her eyes. "I couldn't protect her. I just couldn't protect her."

"Calm down, Yuna-chan. It's not your fault."

Angry, she nodded. "It is! I bring disaster to everyone. Yoshiro, Hikari, Yui... Nisha..."

"What about Nisha?" he asked.

Yuna shook her head, then looked at her boyfriend. "To you."

Irritated, Wataru blinked. "What?"

Again she rubbed her left hand over her eyes. "We have to separate."

"Huh? I'm not getting you at all." He ran his right hand through his hair. "Calm down first. Tell me everything, okay?"

"No." She came to her knees. "I'm breaking up with you. I have to protect you."

"You talk crazy stuff, Yuna." He put his hands on her slender shoulders. "Breathe and relax."

"No!" Angrily, she slapped his hands away.

He sucked in the air between his teeth and rubbed his wrist. "That hurt."

"You have to stay away from me. I don't want to lose you too."

"You will never lose me."

Assuring, she nodded as she stared at her boyfriend. "They will kill you."

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