56 A Dinner with Family Shimada 1 (Present)

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Exhausted, Yuna was on the way home. She and Nisha had been with Hikari, but their friend was not particularly motivated to do her homework. Eventually, the class president and the Masuda girl finished their stuff, while the black-haired was reading mangas.

She thought of the manga volumes her best friend had given to her. Yuna didn't know what to do with them, because she was no longer interested in this kind of stuff. She would probably keep them for a few weeks and then return them unused.

"Hey, Yuna-chan." The blue-haired girl looked up. "Long time no see."

"Takeru-san." She smiled at her boyfriend's twin brother. "Hello."

"What's up?" the cook apprentice asked, grinning. "Why the eye patch?"

She remembered that he had only seen her wearing sunglasses. "An injury. Nothing wild." She stopped beside him. "What are you doing here?" Her eyes followed the path to the pension. It was only a few minutes away.

Shrugging, he replied, "I should make sure that my little brother comes to family dinner today."

"He didn't mention anything," the girl admitted.

"I know. Since he's dropped his studies, he and father don't get along. That's why he was kicked out at home and practically skipped every family thing."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that." Yuna uncomfortably tugged at her sweaty top.

"Come with us," the young man suggested. "Mother would like to meet you."

"She knows about me?"

He glanced at his cell phone watch. "We should hurry." Takeru went on, followed by the high-school student. "I told her about you. She was very relieved that he finally got over Sakura."


"Yeah... well..."

Silently they went to the pension. Yuna fished out her key, but the door was unlocked and they entered the building. They both took off their shoes, then turned to the stairs. She saw from the corner of her eye that Morino-san was sitting in his office reading a newspaper. From the living room they could hear gun sounds.

"Suck it, alien bastard!" Kaito hooted.

"Give me cover, you bum."

"Just stay down, I'll take them all out."

Wataru growled, "You have almost no ammo left!"

"Chill, dude." Takeru and Yuna came around the corner and saw how the other two were both being killed. "FUCK!"

"I told you, Kaito." Annoyed, the singer threw his gamepad aside. "Where is Mizuki-chan?"

"She wanted to bring snacks." The short-haired man reached for a soda can and sipped on it. "Do we want to go again?"

"Yeah, yeah." Wiping over his forehead, the resident grabbed his gamepad. "Can we flank them this time?"

Takeru cleared his throat and they both looked back. "Yo, Kaito. Brother."

"Hey, Takeru-kun. Didn't know that you're coming today." Kaito jumped up and came over to greet him with a few handshakes. "Hi, Yuna-chan."

"Hey." She smiled at the bass player, then looked at her boyfriend, who was wearing a tortured expression. "Wata."

The younger twin stared at his brother. "What do you want here?"

"Family dinner. Today. You and Yuna-chan should come."

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