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Yuna stood in front of the roller door and watched Midori and Yui, who were leaving the area. After she had 'captured' and returned her sister, Yui wanted to leave immediately. With a queasy feeling in her stomach Yuna stared until the two disappeared.

My God. What should I do? Why can't I go forward? What am I doing wrong?

She brushed her pony aside and sighed deeply. Chewing on her lower lip, she reentered the warehouse and went to the boxes from her room. She had brought Yui's clothes and her books to the pension, but she had no idea what her sister was looking for today. She peered over her shoulder, through the roller door to the facade of the main building. Was this visit for the sole purpose of learning more about the weapon storage?

She believed her sister, when she mentioned that she had been in the warehouse the day before. And she was very grateful to her, that she had distracted their guardian, but how could she explain all this?

Hey, this is the armory of a special squad that our 'uncle' wiped out to protect the monsters in this town? Oh, and he was one of them too. And we are both half-demons. Great right?

Sullen, she shook her head and looked at the boxes.

"Hey, Oni."

"Yes, Yuna?"

"What do you think about all of this?"

"About what specifically?"

Again the girl sighed. "My sister. The weapons warehouse. My situation."

"What do you want to hear?"

"I just need some advice. I used to ask Yoshiro, but he's not here anymore."

"I wouldn't say that."

She frowned. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Do you remember our special place?"

"Our connection?"


Carefully, the blue-haired girl nodded. "What about it?"

"Come here. I have a surprise for you."


"Through meditation. Sit down and relax. Search for our connection in your heart. The place where our worlds meet."

Amused, she grunted and lifted the corners of her mouth. "Sometimes I think I'm insane when I talk to you. Only lunatics hear voices in their heads."

"And telepaths. Come on now. Someone is waiting for you."

Yuna took a deep breath, then sat down cross-legged, put her hands in her lap and closed her eye. She listened deeply inside herself, but there was only silence and emptiness. She felt something reaching out and slowly pull her down into the darkness.

She opened her eyes abruptly and looked around, blinking. She was sitting on a meadow in a park surrounded by countless flowers. Slowly she rose and looked around. She could see a park bench, whereupon two people, who were talking, sat with their backs to her. Farther back, a dark orange sun glowed, but it didn't dazzle. Studying her surroundings, she moved towards them.

She recognized one of them immediately. It was a black, misty scheme. She studied her oni for a moment. Was this his true form? Why didn't he have a real body like everyone else?

Onihunter Yuna 2Where stories live. Discover now