120 Clouds on the Horizon (Present)

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Fine sweat gathered on Yuna's forehead as she rolled around in her futon. Short grunts escaped her from every move. "No."

She ran down a corridor and skidded around the next corner, but in the further course she could already see more people running towards her. Yuna entered the next door and found herself in an empty classroom. She hurried to a window and tried to open it, but it was jammed. "Come on!" A quick look over her shoulder told her that she was no longer alone. "Damn!" She tore harder at the window as she was grabbed by the shoulder and torn around. It stunned her at the sight of the empty white eyes in front of her.

"Let us free," groaned the woman, who held her.

Other people joined her, "Let us free."

"It can't be done!" She tried to break free.


More hands reached for her.

"GO AWAY!" yelled Yuna, jumped up from the futon and threw herself on the person in front of her. Her hand tightened around the filigree neck like a vise and she stared, panting, into two violet eyes.

"Sister..." Yui whimpered, tears gathering in her eyes.

"Crap! I'm sorry!" The high-school student let her go and backed away. "Sorry!" She wiped the sweat from her forehead, concentrated on her breathing, and forced herself to calm down.

"A nightmare?" Yui got to her knees and squinted cautiously over.

"Yes. I'm sorry."

"I was worried about you. You didn't answer your phone," said the middle-school student.

Yuna groaned. "I forgot it at school. I'm sorry. I'm such a moron." They sat in silence for a while. "We should go to sleep."

"Yes..." The blonde looked her sister up and down. "What happened?" Because Yuna just blinked with her head tilted, Yui clarified her question, "What happened after the concert? With Hikari? And... Aizawa?"

"I never told Hikari that I'm with Wataru because she's in love with him. I wanted to wait for the right moment."

The facial expression of the younger one showed consternation. "The poorest. And Aizawa?"

"She's responsible for the fliers." She briefly thought of Anzu Mononobe, but quickly dismissed the thought. She didn't believe that Anzu was so mean.

"Did you hurt her?"

Yuna remembered the fight in the forest she had lost. Slowly, she shook her head. "She got away."

"We should tell the others that you're home. Everyone is worried."

"You're right, but without my phone it will be difficult."

They sat in silence again before Yui spoke, "Midori and Doctor Yamada want you to attend my therapy session on Monday. He wants to ask you about me."

"You sound like you're against it."

The blonde pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around them. "I don't want to be a burden to you. You have enough stuff to worry about."

Yuna smiled tentatively. "I'd do everything for you. At what time?"

"At six-thirty in the university hospital. Third floor."

"I'll be there." The high-school student suppressed a yawn. "Let's go to sleep."

"Yes." Yui watched her sister as she prepared her futon again and crawled inside. "I'll talk to Hikari tomorrow. I can certainly mediate between you."

Onihunter Yuna 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora