110 Ice Cold Escalation (Present)

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"After that, he just flew away." Yuna reached for the locker door when she remembered something. "Somehow that was really weird. Are you sure you don't know Kimura?"

"No. Even the description says nothing to me," Nisha answered, standing next to her and waiting.

"Hm. Apparently, your mother doesn't tell you everything." Sighing, she reached for the knob and opened the locker door. An avalanche of ice cubes spilled out and thundered on the linoleum floor. For a moment, Yuna was speechless while everyone present looked over at her. "What the hell?"

"Man, Masuda. The canteen has an ice machine. You don't need to bring it from home."

The high-school girl's blue braids whirled around and she stared at Yukiko. "That was you!"

"What?! Why should I do something like that? And where should I get the ice from?"

"You fucking bitch!" Snorting the tall girl stamped towards the oni.

Quickly Nisha stood in the way. "Yuna-chan. Not. Calm down."

Yukiko grinned crookedly. "Exactly. Relax, cyclops."

The cat girl turned around. "Please don't provoke her any further, Aizawa-san."

"I'm just making fun of the bitch."

Said bitch clenched her fists, whereupon her knuckles cracked. "I'm going to rip your ass off right now, Aizawa."

"I'm curious." The other blue-haired girl jerked her chin out in a fiery mood.

"Please calm down," the class representative whined. Meanwhile, even a few more students came to see what was going on here.

"You're all in a super mood." Hikari squeezed through between a few students and went to her locker, which was next to Yuna's. Crunching, a few ice cubes broke under her shoes as she stepped on them. She wiped free an area with her foot to change her shoes. Everyone stared at her, while she was completely ignoring the situation. Only when she had changed her shoes and turned, she raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Yuna looked back and forth between her best friend and her enemy, then snorted and went back to her locker. She wiped the remaining ice out and onto the floor. Then she took out her shoes and changed them.

"I'll get a broom. We have to mop it up," Nisha said.

"She should mop it up!" Yuna hissed while pointing to the ice oni.

"I didn't do anything, you crazy bitch."

Hikari chuckled. "I think it's pretty... cool." Grinning, she slammed shut her locker door and joined Yukiko. "Are we going to the classroom, Yuki-chan?"

"We could also skip and dye your hair." The oni gave Yuna another look, then hooked up with Hikari and walked away with her.

Foaming, Yuna stared after them. Angrily, she slammed her locker door, which bent groaning in the frame. "Fuck!"

Nisha stood next to her with a broom and began to swipe. Most of the other students had disappeared. "Don't let her under your skin."

"I'll kill that bitch!" the huntress swore.

"Um... you shouldn't do that."

"What?!" Yuna felt like ramming her fist into the nearest locker, but she managed to pull herself together. "Why not?"

"The oni have to take care of this."

"I'll just kill her. She always insists on fighting."

Whispering, the cat girl pressed her lips together. "Yuna-chan... you could get in trouble with the community then."

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