63 Digging in the Past (Present)

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"How about we talk to Ayumi first?" Yui suggested, after she had handed the water to her guardian. "Maybe she thinks the idea is weird."

"Why should she?"

"I don't think, she likes to play kindergarten teacher."

Midori chuckled while the blue-haired girl said, "You behave like a kid. Kiriko is the same age as you."

"What ever. She has a new boyfriend or something. She surely wants to live with him." The middle-school student sat down next to the black-haired woman, who took a sip of water.

"Asking won't hurt, Yui-chan. Besides, it really would be a way for us to save money. At the moment we have separate residences. Moving in together sounds like a good idea." Embarrassed, the nurse grimaced. "If you want to live with me at all."

Thoughtfully, Yuna rested her chin. "I would like to continue living with Wataru. We both are so busy all the time, that we see each other barely."

"In our old house, we would have enough space for this many people... I think." The blonde calculated in her head. "Well... you and Wataru, and me and Kiriko would probably have to share a room, but otherwise..."

"Before we speculate wildly, let's get this afternoon behind us. We could check out your old house. And then maybe the property." The green eyes turned to the high-school student, who kept quiet. "What do you think, Yuna-chan?"

She shook her head briefly and then shrugged. "Yeah, sure. I don't care."

"Okay. Yui-chan?"

Eyes rolling, the youngest sighed. "All right."

A cellphone started to ring. The other two looked at Yuna, who yanked her phone out from her shoulder bag and squinted at the display. "Oh man..." She turned away from the others and answered. "Hey, Hikari-chan."

Midori and Yui looked at each other. "Unfortunately, I can't. No, I'm on a trip with Midori and Yui." She listened for a moment. "No, we want to look at some stuff from our old house. Exactly."

The blue-haired girl shifted her weight to the other foot. "I don't know if he read it. I'm not his secretary, okay?... I think he wanted to do something with his friends." Annoyed, Yuna snorted. "I really can't help you with that. Maybe you can ask Nisha. Do you have her number?"

"I thought Hikari is her best friend," the nurse whispered to the blonde.

"Like you said, she has changed too." Yui ignored her neighbor's gaze and stared at her sister.

"I don't know, man. Will you come back to school on Monday?... Next week? Okay. Should we even bring you homework?" The high-school student turned to the others and gave them a chattering gesture. "We may have other things to do, besides hanging out in your room with you, okay? For example? I want to go back to Kendo training." She pulled her brow in confusion. "Hikari?"

"Are you okay?" Midori asked.

"Yeah, yeah. She hung up." Yuna stowed her cell phone.

"Is she ill?" wondered the youngest.

"Why do you think so? Oh yes... yeah. "The blue-haired sat down on the other side of the guardian. "She stayed at home this week, and she seems to stay for another one."

"She didn't look sick on Sunday." Yui leaned forward and looked at her sister.

"I don't know. I'm not her nurse, okay? Me and Nisha have brought her homework, but she is lazy and just bums around. It doesn't matter."

"If you want, you can go to her. Give us the keys and we'll go on our own," Midori said.

"No. I don't want to hang out with her. She's always watching anime anyway, or reading mangas."

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