82 Planned Coincidences (Present)

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"What? Nisha isn't with you," Hikari stated as she approached her best friend at the agreed meeting place.

"She was busy."

"Oh. That sucks. I thought the three of us were going to the cafe."

Yuna shrugged, fished her cell phone out of the skirt pocket of her school uniform and checked the time. "We can have fun too, right?"

"Yeah, sure. Like in the old days." A broad grin appeared on the face of the black-haired. "Are we going to the manga store first?"

"Sure. Why not."

"Cool." Hikari walked on, whereas the other high-school student hesitated and looked around. "Did you forget something?"

"No, no." Yuna squeezed her cell phone. "Just got a message."

"Something important?"

"Nothing special." The blue-haired looked around again. Sullen, she grimaced.

Her best friend stopped. "What's up with you? Come on."

"Don't stress me like that. Unlike you, I'm not lying around at home all day."

"I'm not. As long as father is around, I make myself rare in the morning and stroll around a bit," said Hikari.

"Tz... you could just come to school as well."

"I'm coming next week. Stay calm. I don't want to miss the school festival."

"Yuna-chan?" a girl's voice asked.

Relieved, the blue-haired turned around. "Oh... Kiriko-chan... what are you doing here?"

The middle-school girl grinned crookedly as she said, "I was on my way when I saw you. How are you?" She squinted at the black-haired high-school student.

"Quite well. Everything okay with you?"


Hikari cleared her throat. "Who's that, Yuna?"

The other girls turned to her. "This is Kiriko Shimada, Wataru's sister."

For a moment the best friend studied the younger girl extensively. "Didn't know he has a sister."

Kiriko turned to Yuna. "Who is this?"

"Hikari Wada, my best friend." Although she was no longer sure of her feelings for Hikari, she still spoke of her as her best friend.

"Oh. Nice. Very pleased, Wada-san."

"Likewise, Shimada-san."

The blue-haired looked around again, as she expected another person. Actually, she thought that Kiriko would be accompanied, but the middle-school student came alone.

"Do we want to go, Yuna-chan?" Hikari asked.

The other girls swiftly exchanged a look, Kiriko shrugging slightly before asking, "What are you doing?"

"We want to go to the manga store. Do you like manga?"

The little girl grinned. "Is there a Japanese girl who doesn't like manga?"

"There you are. I thought you ditched me."

All three girls turned around and found themselves facing a young man wearing short black hair and a clean-shaven chin. Inwardly, Yuna cheered, because he looked absolutely perfect. The last two times, when she had met him, she had noticed this.

Hikari's eyes widened. "W-wataru-san..." She stared at him. "Wow... you look even better with short hair." Her cheeks turned red and she smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry."

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