New Year's Eve

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"Everyone ready for the new year?" Olivia asked. Everyone said yeah. "Probably what I'm most excited about is seeing everyone in this room kiss." Petra whispered to me. "I think you're only happy because you're gonna confess your feelings to my brother and kiss him." I whispered back with a smirk. "Okay, fine, it's mostly about that." Petra admitted. I laughed and she laughed with me. "So what about you? Who do you wanna kiss?" Petra asked me. I started blushing. I looked around the room. There was Ivor, Magnus, Axel, J -- not my brother, definitely --, Soren, Gabriel and Lukas. Soren and Gabriel weren't gonna stay for when the clock struck midnight, however. Meanwhile there was Harper, Ellegaard, Olivia, Petra and me. Ivor was spending a lot of time with Harper, Axel and Olivia were hanging out, Magnus was making puns to Ellegaard, who was giggling uncontrollably, and Petra was planning on confessing her feelings to J tonight. That left only Lukas, my crush. "I guess it's gonna have to be Lukas." I whispered. "Ooooooh~ I ship it!" Petra whispered back. I started blushing bright red. This was gonna be interesting.


Gabriel and Soren just left, and there was only fifteen minutes before midnight. I was nervous for when midnight came, and I would have to kiss Lukas. "Hey, Jesse, you okay?" Olivia asked me. "W-What?" I asked. "You look pretty pale. Like, paler than usual. Are you sick?" Axel said. "I-I need to go outside." I said, getting up and walking outside onto the balcony. The cool air hitting my skin felt nice, considering I had been stuck in the living room, blushing bright red with the fire nice and hot. I sighed and put my head in my hands. "How am I gonna do this?" I asked no one in particular. "Do what, Jess?" someone asked. I froze. Only one person called me that. I looked behind me and saw Lukas standing there. "I thought you might want some company." he said, walking up and standing beside me. Of course, karma has to always get at me. We stood there in silence. I fiddled with my hair, making some fall out of my already messy bun. Lukas looked at me and he gently pushed some of my hair that had fallen in my face behind my ear. He held his hand to my cheek, making me blush. "L-Lukas?" I stammered. He didn't say a thing, just stared at me with his ocean blue eyes.

I started to shiver, partially from the cold and partially from the nervousness. Lukas noticed this as he took off his jacket, about to wrap it around my arms. "N-No, you need your jacket." I said. Lukas smirked mischievously before he grabbed my waist with one hand and pulled me closer to him then wrapped the jacket around both of our shoulders. "You sneaky cat." I said with a smile. "What can I say? Being an Ocelot has its perks." Lukas replied, smiling. I gently put my head on his shoulder, and he started blushing. "You know what they say, 'Chaque chat sournois mérite un baiser.' " I said. Lukas looked confused after I said that. "What does that mean?" he asked. Before I could reply, the clock struck twelve, signifying a new year. Also signifying that people would probably kiss.

~Third Person~

Jesse looked at Lukas with her emerald green eyes. Jesse grabbed the collar of Lukas's shirt and pulled him towards her, surprising him. She gently pressed her lips to his, thoroughly shocking Lukas. After a moment he kissed back, holding Jesse closer in his arms.

~30 seconds earlier~

Inside, the couples pulled away from each other. They then noticed both Jesse and Lukas were missing. Olivia and Axel remembered being told Jesse was heading outside, so they walked to the balcony where Jesse had disappeared too. Everyone looked around the corner, trying to see if Jesse and Lukas were out there. Everyone had to hold in their laughter, fangirlism screams, etc. when they saw Jesse and Lukas. She turned to Lukas, grabbed his collar, pulling him towards her, and she gently pressed her lips to Lukas's. After a moment, Lukas kissed back, pulling Jesse closer. After about a minute, they pulled away with smiles on their faces. "Awwww!" Petra and Olivia exclaimed. Lukas and Jesse jumped, looking at their friends looking at them from the doorway. They both blushed bright red. Jesse looked away, as did Lukas, as he ran his hand through his hair. "Come on, let's celebrate!" Axel exclaimed. We all smiled and headed inside after Axel. Outside, Jesse and Lukas waited. Jesse said, "That means, 'Every sneaky cat deserves a kiss.' " Lukas smiled and pulled Jesse to him, gently kissing her again. He pulled away, smirked, and said, "And my beautiful lady deserves a kiss."

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