Valentine's Special

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So the inspiration for this Oneshot is on Valentine's Day, my high school has these things called serenades people can buy. Either they buy a Serenade, a flower, or a plush, or they can get a combo. The Serenades were a song chosen from one of three and sung by the choir (excluding Chorale girls, which is the starting choir, because there were too many girls). The boys sang Perfect by Ed Sheeran, and two separate groups of girls sang Love Story by Taylor Swift and Helpless from Hamilton. My friend Matt was in choir and supposed to sing, but he refused to and the boys singing to him was their payback, seen as nobody bought Matt a serenade.

It was glorious.

I was admittedly a little disappointed but at the same time relieved I didn't get one.


Jesse smiled as she laughed along with her friends at seeing people all over the cafeteria be embarrassed by having a serenade sung to them. It was their high school's tradition every Valentine's Day. People could buy serenades for each other, either a song, a flower, or a plush, or all three in the combo. Jesse was in her junior year of high school, and the previous two years she hadn't had anything bought for her from someone other than her friends. It was honestly kinda relieving but disappointing at the same time.

This year, however, was different.

Jesse was happily chatting along when all of a sudden she heard footsteps run up behind her. She snapped her head around to see a group of boys in choir suddenly start singing Perfect by Ed Sheeran, and she was the center of attention. A blush attacked Jesse's cheeks as she hid her face behind her hands, wishing for it to be over. She decided then to slide from her chair under the lunch table, making everyone who saw laugh and the boys singing nearly falter to join in. When they finished, Jesse poked her head out and exclaimed, "Who dare buy me a serenade and embarrass me?"

The people around the table laughed. "Can't tell. Here," the leader of the boys replied before handing Jesse a pink slip of paper with a layout of the cafeteria on it and a mark where she sat. She flipped the paper over and saw a little note for her.

Please meet me under the main staircase tomorrow before school.

Jesse couldn't help but blush again. Her secret admirer wanted to meet her? She put the paper in her bag and returned to eating her lunch, glaring at her friends in good nature when they laughed or spoke of what had just occurred.


Jesse walked into the school. Today was the day she'd meet her secret admirer. She was honestly kinda nervous. I mean, who could it be? Was it a friend, a stranger, or her own crush?

Her pale cheeks once again were attacked by a blush at the thought of her crush. He was a close friend of hers, someone that every girl in the student body would have a crush on. But Jesse fell for him not because he was good-looking (though that was really a plus he was so handsome), but because she loved his wonderful personality. He was the type of person who would take in orphaned kittens off the street and care for them until they could go to good homes or just keep them.

Of course, he seemed to think of Jesse no more than a good friend. Jesse sighed as the thought entered her head, downing her mood. After putting her extra materials in her locker, including her jacket, and dropping her backpack off in her first hour, she started to walk to the main staircase. When she arrived, there was no one there. Maybe she was early. As she waited, her gaze wandered around, starting to become bored. Finally, she noticed a little white piece of paper. Jesse grabbed it and picked it up, seeing her name in neat, beautiful cursive on the paper. She opened it and read the words.

Turn around.

And so Jesse turned around, prepared to meet or see who her secret admirer was. And what she saw shocked her.

None other than the school's bad boy Aiden.

He admittedly had never been one of Jesse's favorites. He was a horrible student, preferring to skip class and never do or even attempt homework or tests. Jesse had at one point been his tutor, but nothing she did could convince him to do his work. He constantly flirted with Jesse and bullied people he thought he was above, like Olivia and Axel, two of Jesse's closest friends.

And seeing he was the one standing there made Jesse's heart fall.

"Hey, Jesse," Aiden greeted, a smirk playing on his lips. "Aiden, what are you doing here?" Jesse asked. "Isn't it obvious? I'm the one who bought you the serenade. I'm your secret admirer," Aiden smugly replied. Jesse didn't want to believe it. Out of everyone at school, it was Aiden?

"Well, I'm sorry to say, I just don't reciprocate the affection. Do you even love me for who I am?" Jesse retorted. Aiden calmly walked forward, making Jesse back up. "Oh, but you will. And you are the most beautiful girl at school, how can anybody not love you?" Aiden replied. Jesse abruptly stopped her backing up, having backed up right into the wall. Aiden was now right in front of her, his hands planted on the wall on both sides of Jesse's head. "Aiden, stop this now. This isn't love. It's lust. You don't even know or love the real me," Jesse argued. "Love, lust, what's the difference? You're mine," Aiden replied.

And then he roughly kissed Jesse.

It wasn't a first kiss Jesse wanted or liked. It was rough and much too passionate to her liking, it was with Aiden, and she wasn't the type of girl to enjoy something like this. She tried to raise her hands to push Aiden away, but he merely grabbed her wrists and held them above her head while his other hand snaked down to hold her back. Jesse struggled against his grip, but she admittedly wasn't one of the strongest people, and Aiden worked out to ensure he would win fights to protect his status at school and out. Jesse was completely defenseless against Aiden now, as the action had her permanently frozen in place.


Jesse saw Aiden be grabbed and pulled away from her before being thrown to the ground. She took deep breaths to recover from the much too passionate kiss and to calm her heart which was racing out of fear. Her wide green gaze looked up to her savior, who ran back to her and gently hugged her in an effort to calm her. Jesse instantly wrapped her arms around the young man, burying her face in the leather jacket he wore as tears started to fall from her cheeks.

"What the hell?! You'll pay for that!" Aiden spat. The man holding Jesse looked over his shoulder at Aiden, his blue gaze narrowed. "Why don't you run along now, Aiden. Jesse isn't yours, she doesn't belong to you," the man said. Aiden growled before stalking away, seeing this was a fight he couldn't win. Not with the man being so protective of Jesse. The young man turned to Jesse and whispered words of comfort to her, allowing her to eventually calm down. When she did, Jesse looked up to meet the blue gaze of her best friend. "Th-Thank you, Lukas. But how did you know I was here?" Jesse asked. The blond started to blush faintly, his blue gaze going to the ever so interesting floor. "I-I- Well, Aiden w-wasn't the one who bought y-you the serenade," he started. Jesse's heart started to pound as she heard Lukas' next words.

"I-I did."

Jesse smiled as a blush rose to her cheeks. "As a friend?" she asked. Lukas shook his head, his blush only deepening. Jesse then pressed a chaste kiss to Lukas' lips for a second. Lukas only smiled and he kissed Jesse again, making the ebony-haired girl smile against his lips as she happily kissed back.

That was her most interesting Valentine's Day.

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