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"Everyone loves Jesse, right?"

Everyone's eyes widened at seeing the Admin suddenly transform into the perfect replica of Jesse. Same black hair, same pale skin, same green eyes, heck, her outfit had the same small rips in the exact same places!

"You won't get away with this," Jesse growled.

"Oh, but I already have. Ta-ta!" the Admin replied in Jesse's voice.

The fake Jesse, as well as Stella, who was now the inside woman of Jesse's team, disappeared into thin air. The air rung with the Admin's final words to Jesse.

"And I can't wait to see how that blonde friend of yours will react to hearing about your feelings for him."

Jesse's eyes widened further. Everyone turned to look at Jesse in confusion. "Not the time to explain. We need to find Prisoner X and get out of here," Jesse said. The others nodded.


Lukas sighed, placing his head in his hands. It had only been a few days since he arrived back to Beacontown from the Admin's palace, and somehow, Radar had mysteriously disappeared on the way back.

Lukas had wanted to turn around and head back to the palace to see if Radar was there, but he couldn't just abandon Beacontown. So he was forced to turn back and go to the town. He knew wherever Radar was, Jesse was with him, and she would easily be able to find her way back to town.

When Lukas arrived at the town, he explained that Jesse and the others were coming, just held up a day or so. Almost five days had passed since then, and Lukas had taken over Jesse's spot as a 'mayor' figure for the time being, and with that came a whole bunch of paperwork.

Lukas placed his quill down and looked out the window. Jesse was still out there, who knows where, and he was stuck in town, not able to go searching for the ebony haired girl.

"I need some air," Lukas mumbled.

He stood up from the desk and stretched, hearing a satisfying pop. He had been sitting in that chair for a loooong time now and, though he was an author, he wasn't used to sitting in one place for so long. At least when writing books, he was able to rest in more comfortable places.

Lukas walked out of the study, eventually navigating through the halls of the fortress to come outside. He walked through the streets of Beacontown, waving to the people rebuilding and going about their day with a smile. Lukas was nearing the gates when they started to open. His blue eyes widened as he saw two people on the other side of the gate walk into the town.

They were both women, one in her early twenties while the other was in her late twenties, early thirties. The older woman had pale blonde hair swept to the left, green-yellow eyes gazing worriedly at the other woman, dark tan skin, and a black outfit that made her look like a warden of sorts.

The other woman had pale skin, eyes shut tight--preventing Lukas from telling what her eye color was--, obsidian black hair kept out of her face by a yellow hair clip, red and white t-shirt, blue overalls, brown tennis shoes, and a green gauntlet. She was being supported by the other woman, thanks to a limp.

Lukas' breath caught in his throat. If it really was her, then where were the others? Where'd her armor go? The young woman looked up at Lukas and her eyes opened, revealing bright green eyes.

"Jess...." he whispered.

"Lukas!" Jesse exclaimed happily.

Lukas ran forward and hugged the girl tightly. She hugged him back as equally tight. "Thank Notch you're alright," Lukas whispered. He pulled out of the hug and locked eyes with Jesse. "Where're the others?" he asked. Jesse looked at the ground.

Lukesse Oneshots~2018 WattysWhere stories live. Discover now