Please Stay

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I turned to see Gabriel looking at Lukas's jacket intently. His eyes widened as he exclaimed, "That jacket! I recognize it!" Lukas turned around and I said, "Lukas always wears that jacket." Gabriel shook his head and said, "No, there were other people wearing that exact same jacket when I was thrown from the monster! It hurts just to think about..." Ellegaard walked over and helped lead him to a different part of the cave to rest. "Jesse, you know what this means?" Lukas asked. "Lukas, your friends could still be alive!" I exclaimed. "I know! And I have to go after them! They might need me, Jesse." Lukas said as he turned around and began searching through a chest. I walked up to him and heard him mutter something before closing the chest and looking back at me. "Lukas, what are you doing?" I asked. "I told you, I'm going after my friends. I thought the other Ocelots were dead, and if they aren't, then I have to go find them." Lukas replied. "Lukas, I can't let you do that. You're part of our team." I said. "And you saying that reminds me that I just left my old team." Lukas replied.

He sighed and said, "Look, you and I, we've made a good team. I'd even call us friends, so you have to know why I'd go help my old friends." I didn't want Lukas to go, he would most likely die. "Lukas, please, don't go. We need you here." I pleaded. "Jess, my friends need me more than I'm needed here." Lukas replied. I couldn't let him go, I'd never forgive myself. He walked over to the horses and was about to grab the reins of his, but I gently held my hand to his. His blue gaze turned to me, and I felt tears in my eyes. "Please... Stay..." I whispered. A tear trailed down my cheek, and Lukas gently put his hand to my cheek, using his thumb to wipe the tear away. "I'll be fine. I promise." Lukas said. I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him. I felt tears fall down my cheeks. He hugged me back, but pulled away after a few moments. "Jess, I'm sorry, but I have to go. If someone truly needs me, I promise I'll stay." Lukas said. "Please, if you leave, I'll never forgive myself because I let you leave." I whispered. Lukas's blue eyes gentled and he gently brushed a piece of my hair away from my face. If I couldn't stop him from leaving, I had to show him how I felt.

I stood up on tiptoes and gently pressed my lips to his cheek. Lukas started blushing bright red. I pulled away and whispered, "If you must go, then please come back safe." I turned away and walked back into the cave where the others were. The others looked at me, and Olivia asked, "Is he going?" I nodded, tears forming in my eyes. He would be here right now, if he stayed. But he isn't here. I started crying, and the others came and wrapped me in a group hug. "He'll be fine, trust me." Petra said. "I want to believe that, but I'm scared it's not going to be true..." I whispered.

"Who said I was even leaving?"

I turned around and saw Lukas standing there. So he wasn't leaving! I ran into his arms, tears of happiness falling down my cheeks. "But I didn't think anything would stop you from leaving!" Axel exclaimed. "There's one thing that will." Lukas replied, his blue gaze meeting mine. I stood up on tiptoes again and gently pressed my lips to Lukas's, wrapping my arms around his neck. We pulled away after a moment, and I knew as long as Lukas was here, nothing would stand in my way.

Lukesse Oneshots~2018 WattysWhere stories live. Discover now