Roleplay Love

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"Do you, Juliet, take Romeo to be thy loved spouse?"

Juliet looked into Romeo's deep blue eyes as she replied, "I do." The priest turned to Romeo. "And do you, Romeo, take Juliet to be thy loved spouse?" the priest asked. "I do," Romeo replied, his voice strong. "If nobody objects to this union-" the priest cut off as silence enveloped them. "-I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss thine, bride," the priest finished. Romeo's hand gently lingered on Juliet's cheek for a moment. Juliet's green eyes met Romeo's blue ones.

A chorus of expectant gasps occurred.

No no no, this ain't actually just Romeo and Juliet. This is just a play, directed by Petra, with her two main stars being her two close friends, Lukas and Jesse. Now, let's backtrack to before the play.

"I don't know if I can do this!" Jesse exclaimed. She paced back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. "Jesse, first off, if you don't stop pacing I'm going to go insane just watching you!" Olivia exclaimed. Jesse stopped and turned to her friend. "I can't do this!" Jesse squeaked, hiding her face in her hands. Olivia rolled her eyes. Her strong, courageous friend couldn't go through with this play. "What are you so worried about?" Olivia asked. "Ugh, everything! I keep thinking I'll mess up, like forget my lines or fall down! This is different than practice, and even then I was awkward! What's worse is Lukas is Romeo! One of my best friends!" Jesse let out all her bottled up feelings to Olivia. "Alright, just calm down. Take deep breaths," Olivia started. Jesse took a few deep breaths. "Now, why are you so nervous? You were amazing in practice and you'll do just as amazing now!" Olivia encouraged. "Ugh! I don't know what's wrong with me! Normally I can do this stuff easily, but now I'm just a mess!" Jesse exclaimed.

Olivia rolled her eyes again. "Jesse, you have to go through with this. The back-up is sick, so it's either you or this play is off," Olivia said. Jesse took a deep breath. "Yeah, I have to do this! I can't let anyone down!" she said. "That's the Jesse I know!" Olivia exclaimed, giving her a thumbs up. A certain blonde was passing by the dressing room for Juliet as Jesse's and Olivia's conversation was going on. He smiled as he heard Jesse's enthusiasm, but he quickly grew worried when he heard her make a complete 180. "Olivia, I can't do this! I'm trying to work up the courage, but I can't!" Jesse exclaimed. Normally the blonde wasn't one to listen to others' conversations, but these were two of his friends. "Jesse, you have to do this!" Olivia exclaimed. "I-I can't!" Jesse squeaked. The blonde bit his lip. He hesitantly opened the door enough for his head to pop in. "I heard some exclamations. What's wrong?" he asked. Olivia sighed. "Jesse here is chickening out," Olivia said, glaring at Jesse. "I'm sorry! I just can't!" Jesse squeaked.

The blonde walked into the room, closing the door behind him. "Jesse, what do you feel like you're going to do that makes you want to bail?" he asked. Jesse looked at the ground, twirling a small strand of her black hair with her finger. "I-I'm just scared about letting everyone down," she whispered. Lukas walked up to his friend, hugging her. "Hey, we all feel the same. Don't worry. You did great in practice, you'll do awesome now," Lukas encouraged. Jesse took a deep breath. "Okay, thanks, Lukas," she said. "It's nothing," Lukas replied, smiling.

Now, back to where we left off.

As Lukas and Jesse stared into each others' eyes, they felt a warm feeling come to them. Both were nervous about the kiss. The two lingered for a moment longer. Then their lips gently touched. The crowd all 'awwed'. Lukas and Jesse pulled away after a moment, looking into each others' eyes. Jesse's eyes widened as she saw the feelings mixing in Lukas's blue eyes. There was worry, fear, but underneath all that, something else. Something Jesse had been told about in fairy tales and movies but had never truly experienced it herself. The curtains closed, signifying the stop of the first act. Now the people in the crowd could go get some refreshments of drinks and snacks in between the two acts of the play. Almost as soon as the curtain fully closed, Jesse ran off the stage. She ran by Petra, who had come out to give her thanks for doing this huge favor so far. Petra found herself surprised by Jesse's sudden appearance, running right past her to the back.

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