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Sorry, it's so short, I wanted to get something out as soon as possible to make up for not uploading recently.

Jesse's green eyes shone with excitement as she saw the sign. "Come on guys! Let's go!" Olivia exclaimed as she and Axel ran into the carnival. Petra and J followed, leaving Jesse and Lukas to run after them. Lukas and Jesse lost the others only after a few moments. "So, what do you wanna do?" Lukas asked. Jesse looked around until her gaze fell upon the games. "Let's try some games," Jesse replied. Lukas smiled as he grabbed Jesse's wrist as they walked to the games. The two explored around, trying some games, winning some prizes. Eventually, they left the games, looking around for something else to do.

Lukas saw a roller coaster, and his blue eyes lit up. "Hey, Jess, wanna go on the roller coaster?" Lukas asked, pointing over at it. Jesse followed his point, and her eyes immediately grew fearful. The last time she had been on a roller coaster didn't end well, since she had been stuck on it, at the highest point, no less, and she had refused to go on roller coasters since. But she didn't want to feel like a wimp in front of Lukas. "Sure," she managed to choke out, her voice relatively normal. They walked up to the roller coaster and waited in line for a few minutes before they were ushered to their seats. Both buckled up, and Jesse triple-checked to make sure her safety belt was secure before the attendant had even come to check it. After the okay was given, the ride was off.

At first, it wasn't bad, being only a few small drops and turns. But they came to the climb up to the highest point of the roller coaster, and Jesse started to regret deciding to ride the roller coaster. But it was too late now. After a few moments, the roller coaster reached the top, stopping for a moment as it teetered on the edge, angled downwards. Jesse shut her eyes tight as the roller coaster started moving. She felt too scared to utter a word. Then, she started smiling. The feeling of the wind rushing by her with the movements was actually fun. She opened her eyes and held her hands up in the air, laughing. All too soon the ride was over, and Jesse and Lukas wandered aimlessly through the carnival.

Jesse's eyes then caught a small machine. It was a friendship tester, designed to test how well your friendship was. "Wanna try that?" Jesse asked, pointing to the machine. Lukas followed her point and smiled. "A friendship tester? But we already know we have a gre-" Lukas was cut off as Jesse pulled him over to the machine. He sighed. After putting in two quarters, they pressed the button together. Both expected it to land on the emerald green, meaning great friends, but, to their surprise, it landed on a different color. This color was red, at the top of the machine. The lights surrounding the perimeter of the box were in the shape of hearts, and the print in the box said in cursive, 'Crushes'. Lukas and Jesse both started blushing as they turned to meet eyes. "U-Ummmm....." Lukas stammered. Jesse looked down at the ground as she blushed bright red.

"U-Uhhh, Jess, I-" Lukas started, but he didn't need to finish. Jesse had grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the Ferris wheel. Jesse didn't look at Lukas and they waited in line until they boarded into their little cart. They sat next to each other as the cart went higher and higher. "Jess, I-I nee-" Lukas started but was cut off when Jesse gently put her finger to his lips. She moved her right hand to wrap around the back of Lukas's neck while her left hand gently cupped Lukas's cheek. They stayed like that for a few moments. Their cart had stopped at the very top of the Ferris wheel, the sun setting behind the tree-line. Both of their hearts were racing. Finally, the two leaned closer, ever so closer, until their lips gently touched. After a few moments, they pulled away. As they looked into each other's eyes, they understood what could not be put into words. They leaned closer together and kissed again, as fireworks started exploding in the night sky.

Lukesse Oneshots~2018 WattysWhere stories live. Discover now